Chapter Five

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Feathered Duvet

Ophelia DeLevisay

"But it's so cold, I would rather stay here, nice and comfy and WARM! Besides, Hogsmeade isn't very exciting AND I still feel stoned from last night, and how the fuck did I get back to our room anyway?" I protest as I stuff my head into my pillows and wrap myself further into my feathered duvet covers.

"Okay first of all do not disrespect Hogsmeade like that; you've never even been and second, do not be a party pooper, we managed to get Malfoy to agree to come since he's always off doing Merlin knows what else, so I am not missing this opportunity to hang out with all my best friends because of you, now get up and get dressed you lazy git!" She rips the covers from me with letting the harsh air collide with my mellow skin. "I know Blaise carried me back, so I have no idea how you got here."

"Fine! Okay, okay, I'll come. Lemme just get ready jeez," I huff with a grumpy attitude.

"Yayyyy, I'm going to meet them in the common room so hurry up and we'll get going." She says and makes a swift exit.

I wrench myself to my feet, rubbing my eyes to adjust to the sun shining through the window and lighting up the whole room. I make my way to the closet, studying the outfit choices for the day.

I pull a skirt and jacket from the wardrobe and fling them onto the poorly made bed. I tie my hair up into a high ponytail and reapply the mascara and blush from last night. Lazy.

Dressing myself with haste knowing the others are waiting for me, I slip into my shoes and head out.

Draco, Blaise and Eden are all stood around waiting for me so we can leave. I need to start being more punctual.

Draco stood with his hands shoved in his trouser pockets. An all-matte black suit accompanied by black leather gloves and a formal coat that falls just below his kneecaps. He looks as smart as he usually does, fine as hell.

"About fucking time, DeLevisay," Blaise commented.

"Yeah okay guys, I know I'm sorry, I'm still foggy from last night okay, but I'm here now so can we get going." This catches Draco's attention but stays silent and still.

"Aren't you going to be cold, Olli?" Eden chimes in.

"Nah, I think I'll be all right. It's not that bad out."


The wind is stiff and raw and inhospitable to my choice of clothing. Eden was right; I am so fucking cold and it's not even October yet.

We finally arrive at the Three Broomsticks for drinks, I swear all we do is intoxicate our bodies in one way or another.

We find a sticky table to sit at and breath into our hands to warm up a bit. Draco makes an immediate diversion to the toilets.

"So, how are we all this morning?" Blaise beseeched.

"I'm just fucking tired and actually confused as to how I got back to my own bed, did you also carry me Blaise because of the utter gentleman you are," I give him my sweetest, insincere smile.

"Oh, I didn't; Draco carried you back, I had to haul Eden back which was a task and a half." Eden playfully smacks his chest. "Oi, violence is never the answer babe." He playfully returns the comment.

"Wait, wait, wait. Draco carried me back to bed?"

I really do not understand him, but why do I get the urge to.

He continues. "Yeah, he said you would have a better sleep in your own bed then on our sofa. Honestly, you two were absolutely out like lights by 1am, quite cute really. Apart from when Eden snores." He sniggers while trying to dodge Eden's blows to the arm.

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