Chapter Twenty

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- part 2

The music comes to a hush. Fin. Everyone in participation erupts into an applause, saying well done to all the couples who executed the Waltz so gracefully.

Draco and I come to the end position, his feet firmly planted on the floor and mine tiptoed in-between his slightly parted legs, arms still raised, still hand in hand in hand, slightly out of breath.

We hold position for a few seconds to comprehend our surrounds while the ladies curtsy and the men bow at their opponents in appreciation.

Our eyes are on fire, our bodies pressed together into a furnace of feelings and longing; his eyes translate my exact thoughts.

He tightens his grip of my fragile hand and before I knew it he was whisking me off the ballroom floor towards the exit, pulling me behind him. If it wasn't for the high rise slit up the skirt of my dress, I would definitely have tripped on the hem by now.

He leads me away from the noise and the fuss of the evening down the long corridor, turning corners and down even longer corridors until there is no glow of the party anymore, no music, no chatter, just our paced-almost running footsteps and our heavy breathing.

We reach a room closed off by a door. A hard mahogany door that has a calligraphy plaque boldly slated across it reading-


He lets go of my hand and pulls me by the waist and places me under the sign the door, forcing my body up against the door nearly on my tiptoes again, he wedges his knee up in-between my thighs, right on my hot sex.

Despite the layers of fabric between us, he's pressed himself so close to me that he can feel my heat getting hotter and I can feel his desire slowly rising in his suit trousers.

He situates his hands either side of my head against the door, pinning me in place with the rest of his body.

"Did he touch you?" He bites.

"What? Who?" I moan between his kisses on my neck and ear. "When?"

"Goyle, did he take your hand when he asked you to dance? Did he touch what is mine?" He purrs.

"Draco, it was harmless, he didn't touch me,"

"Are you lying to me, Ophelia? because I know what I saw," His breath scorches the skin of my ear, heavy and hot whispers.

Oh god.

"It was only brief and polite, it's nothing worth a fuss Draco," I grunt as presses harder to me.

"Don't tell me what I can and can't 'fuss' about. See that necklace around your neck, that means you belong to me now. No one has access to you but me; no one can have you, love you, tease you, please you, spoil you, ruin you but me. Do I make myself clear, Ophelia?"

I know my place with him now. I do not object, I in fact encourage.

I am his and I am happy with this. Ignoring all the warning signs, I am ready to dive right off the edge for this boy.

My walls are completely down.

"Yes, Draco," I cast my eyes down to my chest where the pendant hangs loosely above my pushed together breasts.

"Good girl," Once he got it off his chest, he relayed it on my lips. Kissing and biting at the blood rushed fleshed skin of my mouth. His hands finally slip down, dragging themselves over my breasts, down my stomach to my hips. "God, you are so fucking beautiful,"

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