Chapter Eleven

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Ophelia DeLevisey

I arouse slowly from the sheets I sprawled out in, confused and woolly headed from the night before, aching from head to toe.

I rub my eyes so they could adjust to the light intensity in the room shining through the grand windows. From what I could tell I was alone.

"Where the fuck am I? -...shit." After immediately recognising the awful cologne and strong fresh mint smell hanging in the air, I dropped my face into my hands and tossed my still naked body back into the bed out of frustration.

Our agreement was to not sleep over. And what did I do? I fucking slept over.

I lay there staring at the ceiling, contemplating how to escape this hellish nightmare. A slender, pale body emerges from the steamy bathroom, a towel wrapped just below his waist to show off his perfectly toned v-line.

"Thank fuck you're finally awake, can you get out now, I have places to be and quite frankly I don't want you here." He speaks with a spiteful, agitated tone.

I fucking hate him. One minute he's fingering me in secluded classrooms and fucking me mercilessly in his bed and the next he's loathing my very presence.

"Jeez. Good morning to you, too. Yes, I'd gladly leave, and god forbid I actually wanted to stay here, no thanks." I push myself to the edge of his bed and slip my dress back on.

Nice one Olli, your favourite dress smells like vomit and fire whiskey. How much did I drink last night?

"Ugh, just shut the fuck up and get out." Draco walks over to his closet and pulls out a suit and throws it on the bed. I could fucking smack him right now but I'm hungover and he just isn't worth the energy.

While tying my hair up into a very messy bun, I limp towards the door to get my shoes; I give up looking for my underwear at the point, I am in so much pain right now.

"Oh, and don't tell anyone that we fucked, that would be really embarrassing for me. I'd don't want people to know that I slept with one of the Malfoy brothers." I sneered.

He slowly; very, very slowly, turns to face me while I focus on putting my shoes back on.

"Excuse me?" He hisses.

"What, you heard me, it's embarrassing." I scoff while tying my buckles.

Before I could stand up straight, he has a sturdy grip on my hair, using it to pull me up straight and proceeds to fling me against the door. I feel the full impact of my body colliding with the mahogany wood.

My neck is stretched up as he holds me against my will, forcing me face to face with him. He restrains me there, I'm immobilised. His eyes are piercing right though mine like knives to a target.

He leans in close so I can feel his breath raining down on my blush face.

"I won't be caught dead with a fucking half-blood tramp like you either. You are a mindless distraction for me and that is all. Now, get. out." He growled.

"You're a fucking cunt, Draco. The way you kissed me last night was not a mindless distraction and you know it... it scares you doesn't it? Having feels for someone," I furrow my eyebrows and hiss through my teeth.

"Call me that one more time, and I will fucking break you." He threatens, disregarding the rest of my comment.

"Malfoy? Or a cunt? Because you are in fact both of those if you haven't noticed."

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