Chapter Forty One

18 1 38


Ophelia O'callaghan

"Right," Eden sighs aggressively, shaking her head at the sight of Draco carrying me over his shoulder into the dorm room. "Dyou know what, I'm not even going to ask anymore," She slumps back down between Blaise's legs.

"Well, I'm going to ask. Guys. What the fuck? Why are you both dripping wet?" Blaise sits up staring at us with a perplexing utterance.

Draco stands unwavering staring across to Eden and Blaise on the bed, as I protest and band my fists against his back and kick my legs. "Draco put me down!" I laugh heartily.

"Someone wanted to go for a swim," He says deadpan. "And she refused to get out. So, I went in and got her," He finally slips me down over his shoulder.

"Erm don't act all tough now, you were the one who started splashing at me, so naturally I had to splash you back. You loved it, don't act like you didn't have fun," I say waggling my finger, and rinsing water out my hair.

"What the fuck is wrong with you both." Eden shakes her head. "And where did you even go—oh god —you didn't —,"

"Eden, I told her not to and I tried to stop her," Draco sighs with a face of defeat.

"If you tell me, I can't do something—I'm just going to want do it and prove you wrong. I can't believe you guys are scared of some angry mermaids. The Black Lake is just a normal lake, bunch of wusses," I huff before turning to Draco.

"Erm Olli, my sweet, you do know that Harry was almost eaten alive in there during the Triwizard Tournament in the Black Lake? The bitch almost died" Blaise declares.

"I low-key wish he did, would make my life so much easier," I roll my eyes with a faint laugh.

"You said it," Draco holds his hand out and I give him a low-five.

"Anyway, we haven't all hung out in so long, so I propose," Eden clears her throat dramatically, "Game night,"

"No," Draco scowls.

"Absolutely! I will crush you all, prepare to lose losers," I declare in a proud excitement.

"Competitive much," Draco looks down at me by his side.

"Well, you don't have choice. I got this muggle game that I think we'll all like, it's called — Blaise what is it called again?" Eden looks up at Blaise with a raised brow.

"Monopoly, darling. There are 10 counters: a dog, a car, a boot, a thimble, a hat and some others that I can't remember, it's a fast-dealing, property claiming, money laundering, backstabbing board game, so Draco should be good at this," Blaise pursued with a childish expression.

"Blaise, if you're still mad because I won that poker game, then get over it. It was two years ago," Draco rolls his eyes and fold his arms, standing still dripping wet in the rug next to me.

"Dude, you took my watch," Blaise raises his voice before Eden nudges him.

"No, I won it. Fair and square,"

Blaise mutters some further loathing to himself under his breath.

"It's settled. Draco, Olli, stop getting your filthy pond water on my rug and go change. I will set up the board in your room Draco and figure out the rules,"

"Well, I baggsy to car," Draco says while taking himself off the bathroom for a shower.

"I baggsy the dog!" I add while following him.

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