Chapter Forty Five

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-The Dragon Variation-

Draco Malfoy

|Blood warning - Domestic abuse|

I can only imagine father being here if there's been some sort of development in the Dark Lord's plan. If my father is here, then all the death eaters, once in Azkaban, have sort a release—or escape. If my father is here, then Eden's mother and father must be released too.

We have three days left until term commences again. Why couldn't have he waited until I wasn't here to make his grand return. Selfish prick. Bastard father. Fucking cunt. Shit brain wanker.

Ruined. My. First. Fucking. Date.

Fucking fuck -fuck -fuck you.

Why is he even here? Does mother know? She must know. Oh—

Oh, that's what she wanted to tell me—fuck.

The Manor has a busy energy about it, an unproductive and evil aura around it with all the lights on. There are other death eaters here. Muffled chatter and merriment come from the adjacent room down the hallway, a sound of drunken laughing.

I stand to attention in the lit-up lobby before my father, occluding as much as I can, shutting doors, locking vaults before he even asks to see what I've been up to in his absence.

There was a reason he removed Olli from my memory, for whatever reason, I'm not about to gamble her life to find out what or why.

My hands clasped behind my back start to twitch and my stomach plummets to the floor when he looks down at me. He looks deathly ill and balmy, a melting wax figure.

"Father," I mumble in response to his acknowledgement, avoiding his sickly eyes digging their way through my mind. A tiny gasp echoes through the walls around us. My eyes shoot up to see Olli still by the banister gaps at the top of the flight of stairs before whisking herself away down the corridor in a flight of terror.

"Ah. We have a guest I see." He looks back at me, "You," He grabs me in the grips of his hand, "Come with me-Morwen!" He screeches before digging the fangs of his cane into my shoulder, yanking me into the drawing room where Morwen, the house elf, pops into the room silently, without a trace. He releases the cane from seeping into my shoulder blade, I jump out of his reach, stumbling slightly backwards towards the roaring fireplace.

The atmosphere is heaving with the heat from the fire, the glow of the flames isn't comforting at all, somehow, I would prefer to be in utter darkness, so I don't have to look upon the disappointment on his face.

"Morwen. Get the girl. I want her here now. And get Narcissa too." He commands. The little elf nods and pops back out the room. He turns his face to look at me in the filthy glow of the fire, "You don't look pleased to see me Draco." He smiles like a Cheshire cat.

"You're supposed to be serving time for your failures," I sneer at him without a thought to the consequence. I bow my head to the floor to avoid his scowl, staring at the floor the tips of his shoes stomp into view. I still refuse to look him, but before I knew it the fangs had sunk into my shoulder punching the skin. I drop to my knees with a hiss through my teeth.

"Don't you ever speak to me like that." He snarls, wedging the cane in harder, "Look at me when I'm talking to you boy,"

I raise my eyes under my lowered lids and glare up at his disgusting face towering over me. He yanks the jabbed fangs to drag out my skin. My hand jumps to the affected area, a cold liquid starts to seep through my shirt between my fingers.

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