Chapter Twenty Eight

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Ophelia O'callaghan

Draco is getting more-to be blunt-fidgety. Impatient with his progress, he can feel the clock ticking. So can I. It only hit me the other day the severity of all this, the impending duty to fight for my side; a side I am loyal to-but having doubts about.

It's all very disorientating now Draco knows my real last name; O'Callaghan and not my status name 'DeLevisay'. I've had to correct him on a few occasions when he's used it in front of others, I like hearing him say it though, something about it is quite reassuring.

Once he called me his 'pretty little death eater'; which to me was more of an indication that he is finally comfortable with my status.

So far he has done exceptionally well at hiding his thoughts and feelings, from me, from everyone. I can count the occasions on my hand that he's shed light on his beautifully complex mind, telling me what he really feels; what he really thinks.

I can tell when he occludes now, his hands go stiff and curled up in themselves and his eyes turn static; I don't like it when he occludes-it usually means he has something on his mind that he's desperately trying to bury rather than let it out.

Occlumency is a fundamental skill that all death-eaters must harness—especially high ranking Angle/death-eaters like myself. I have surges of guilt because I do the same thing, I tend to also bury stuff where no one can pry it out of me. I find it better to occlude in the shower, the pouring water helps sooth my concentration.

Since gaining strength in my Occlumency skills, I have noticed one of my abilities start to wither. What is called 'The Flare'- solely depends on emotions; strong, untainted, raw emotions. Negative emotions. Anger or hatred or frustration works; not fear or disgust, or stress.

Thankfully, my blood bending is unaffected by this as it only requires a level of concentration from behind my eyes. I can only bend blood to those who I've physically come into contact with, physically touching there skin or hair, just having the smallest amount of DNA is needed, so anyone I touch is then immediately vulnerable to my ability.

Having the DNA in my mind is way I can read the blood type and bend it appropriately to cause a stiffening  cracking sensation like crystallising salt, before twisting and bending it until it shatters into tiny shards of burning blood, all underneath the skin. I can't, however, use it within school, something lines the stones that's blocking the dark magic in my blood.

Out of dumb curiosity, I attempted to bend the blood in my own hand when I was 13 years old, ending with third degree burns all over my body and a week of agony. I learnt that day that no matter where I target my eyes on the person, the whole body will be affected.

As for the withering ability, the first sign of its release is when small, unnoticeable twitches ride my fingers, then the surrounding veins in my hand and wrist begin to glow a hollow white colour; followed by the white flare glow in my palm, like holding the sun in my hand.

In a swooping motion, whatever object or being I lay my eyes on is forced in the direct on my movement, or I hold my right hand out at the object or being and it cracks; the longer I hold my position the more force is expelled, causing a shatter effect.

As a child, I was obligated to where gloves lined with a special cotton for a lot of the time, not being able to control my emotions or feelings, ending in a broken lamp or window.

However, lately the flare is growing dim and uncontrollable.

The more I occlude, the less emotional back-up I can gather, rending my aim off, the force dampens, and the reliability and durability weakens. I was warned about this, I was told the chances of this failing while my mind gets stronger at resistance, but Occlumency must be second nature.

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