Chapter Nine

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|violent depictions|


Draco Malfoy

I'm fucking tired. I didn't return to my dorm last night, I ended up just sleeping in the Room of Requirement on the sofa. Fixing this fucking piece of wood will be the death of me, I swear. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I've lost interest in my usual hobbies like picking on Harry, I've even given up my post of Seeker in Quidditch.

I've missed assignments and so many classes. I'm falling behind. The only thing occupying my thoughts, apart from that Vanishing Box or whatever, is Ophelia. I can't let go of how soft her skin is and how her lips fit perfectly in mine, the humming glow of an aura that follows her around, the snug rings that sit on her fingers, and her fiery attitude.

I'm late. I briskly walk through the lonesome corridors, making my way to Potions.

Until I'm stopped in my tracks.

pov: Ophelia DeLevisey

I've been here two months now and I still can't navigate my way around here on my own. Eden and Blaise have been trying to show me the ropes, but honestly it's a lot harder than it looks; in my defence all the corridors look the same.

I've become quite close with Eden and Blaise—and weirdly close to Draco. But as I should, he's the reason I'm here.

They've made me feel so welcome and a part of something, even though Draco will throw sharp comments about my half-blood status at me and try and degrade me in any way possible every now and then, but I just don't let it get to me.

I think it might be because his brother, Formi, has shown a weird interest in me since arriving; always staring in the corridors and brushing past me in the common room whenever he gets a chance. He's never actually spoken to me though; it's just touching and staring and touching and staring, over and over again.

I don't know what his deal is, but I don't like the attention—he reminds me of a mad dog kind of boy—untamed and no morals or boundaries.

Although, me and Draco have developed this odd, sexual tension, but I feel nothing for him.

I think.

I can confidently say that these guys are literally my best friends. Eden has been like a sister to me and Blaise like an older brother, and Draco well like I've said... he's just a dick, period. I think he's just wired wrong and deep down there is the real him...but I really couldn't care less; he's an asshole to me so why give him the time of day.

I'm flustered trying to find my way to Potions, pacing up and down corridors. Where is Eden or Blaise when I need them I'm so late, Snape is gonna rip me new one for sure.

"You lost, sweetheart?" I hear an icy snigger from behind me. I spin around on my heels to find myself inches from his chest. I slowing ascend my eyes to meet his. Formido stands there completely dominating over me. His breath is cold against my face, sending uncomfortable shivers down my spine. His hands fall loosely by his side, making no attempt to touch me.

I'm practically trembling before him. His existence is intimidating.

"Erm...n-no I'm just heading to class. And don't call me sweetheart," I remove eye contact and stare at the ground.

I've heard of the shit he's capable of from the girls in the common room and ...I want nothing to do with him.

I see him around the common room all the time harassing the girls, it makes me feel sick actually, that I thought he was hot at one point. I mean I'm already in a friendship with a Malfoy, and believe me when I tell you, I hate him, so don't think I'm going to remotely like this one.

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