Track 47. | Hold on

Start from the beginning

"Bowie!" Niall shouts out loudly as we walk together further into the dark woods the trees surrounding us as the wind blows rustling the leaves making us jump and look harder incase it's Bowie walking.

"Bowie! Where are you angel?" I shout out as Niall looks off to the side shining his flashlight down a small dirt path but met with no luck.

"Nothing down here!" He shouts back as I look down another small path met with the same thing. "Nothing here either!" I call back as I hear him sigh clearly getting more anxious as the seconds tick past.

We both meet up in the middle looking around again in small bushes and large ones that surround us. "There's a gate here she wouldn't of got past this, it's to tall and by the looks of it, the fence around it is electric" Niall says shining his light on a large red metal gate leading to another part of the woods surrounded by live electric fences.

"She's not here mate, let's check up in the garden maybe she fell and hurt herself so where" he suggests as I nod making my way back up the dirt path with Niall in tow.

"Anything down there?" Stevie shouts down from the top of the garden at the back door, the light now switched on again.

As I walk up towards Stevie something catches my eye in the grass by the back door in the shadows. I bend down shining my flashlight on my phone and my stomach drops to my ass. It's Bowie's packet of Marlboro reds and purple lighter.

I pick them up as everyone watches me walk back to them holding them up in one hand. "Doesn't look good" I say tossing the things to Stevie as I take off running down the darkest part of the garden following the trail that the cigarette and lighter was left in.

As I near the end of the garden Elton runs after me barking at a spot in front of me growling and digging at the dirt and grass obsessively.

"What's up bud?" I ask slightly nervous as I near him. I shine my light on the patch of grass he's digging and my whole body freezes when I see what he's digging at.

A dark patch of crimson red stained grass.

Niall and Louis notice my sudden halt in my steps and they call out to me from the back door but I don't move or make a sound. Elton looks up at me and starts whining as my whole body feels paralysed.

"Harry! What's going on?" Louis shouts down and when he's met with no reply he and Niall both run down stopping beside me as my light stays on the grass.

I hear their breathing halt as they look down. When I get movement in my body I drop my phone and my hands begin to shake uncontrollably.

"Harry! It's okay, we don't know if it's hers!" Louis says shaking me as I look at him with no emotion in my body at all. "Why is Elton going crazy so? He knows her scent" I mumble as Louis drops his brows knowing I'm right.

"I need to find her, she might be around here, she's hurt wherever she is!" I shout grabbing my phone up off the ground the adrenaline now kicking in as I take off running around the garden shining my light in every corner and bush and tree there is, I must have searched the same spots over and over again making sure she wasn't there.

"H, she isn't here" Stevie says walking over to me as I crouch down searching in a bush not caring that the thorns are prickling my skin. She places one hand on my shoulder which causes me to halt my movements and drop my phone letting the light of Stevie's phone light us both up in the dark garden.

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