Track 46. | Girl Crush

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(*) indicates when you play the song in this chapter.

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"I want her long blond hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much
I've got a girl crush"

Song: Girl crush - Little Big Town.

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I'm woken up by a blast of cold air hitting my skin. I immediately open my eyes and see Harry above me as he carries me out of the house in the freezing cold.

"Harry what the fuck are you doing?!" I shout sitting up more looking over his shoulder at everyone following us bags in hands. Elton is on his lead as Louis holds the other end walking him after me.

"We just need to leave, go back asleep darling" Harry smiles down at me as I look up at him half asleep and still deciding of this is a dream or real life right now.

It's pitch black outside as Harry sits me into the car buckling me in with a kiss to my forehead like I'm some toddler.

Everyone says outside the car talking by the front door as I watch them from the dark car on my own. I try to read their lips but it's useless. They all look towards the car at me with a look of worry as Harry's back faces me talking to them all. I must be in some sort of dream, what the fuck is happening.

I was just trying to sleep and I end up in a cold car in only shorts and a T-shirt barefoot and shivering, if I didn't know any better I would of thought they were kidnapping me.

Harry is the first to sit into the drivers seat with a big smile as I sit behind me looking at him likes he's a maniac. "Harry what the fuck is happening? It's cold and I'm confused!" I shout hugging my arms around my chest to get some warmth into me.

"Tony called, we just need to change houses away from here" he says simply as I roll my eyes knowing he isn't telling me the truth, Tony wouldn't make us just change locations during the night for no reason. "Are we in danger?" I ask knowing it's probably the answer "no, Tony just needed us closer to where he's staying right now" he says turning the engine on pressing a button as the car begins to heat up around us.

I huff and sink into my seat knowing I'm not going to get any more information out of him for the rest of this car ride. Everyone else makes their way into the car, Stevie sliding in beside me handing me Elton as Jesse sits next to her. Louis Quinn and Zayn sit behind us and Niall sits in the very back passing out asleep on the seats that are beside him. Liam sits next to Harry as usual.

"We brought you a blanket, thought you might be cold since we didn't want to wake you when we all got changed" Stevie laughed handing me my fluffy purple blanket I brought with me from my apartment. I thank her still confused but I throw it over me and Elton anyway. "Do you want some? Plenty to go around" I smile as Stevie nods draping some of the blanket over hers and Jesse's laps.

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask as Harry pulls out of the driveway. I snuggle up under my blanket as I watch the cars pass us along the road. "Denver" he says quietly as I widen my eyes "that's like a seventeen hour drive!" I shout as he nods slowly. "We're stopping in a motel to rest when we need to" Liam points out as my heart race quickens at the thought of a motel.

"I'll just stay in the car" I mumble as Harry looks at me through the rear view mirror I take my eyes off his and look back out the window. "One of us will stay with you in the room, we don't expect you to stay there alone" Liam says softly leaning back to tap my thigh comfortingly.

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