Jealous? (Chapter 5)

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Grayson and I were still dating and I finally got comfortable about staying with them. My mom agreed to letting me stay and their parents were out again. This time they were going to be gone all weekend.

I trusted Grayson and Ethan fully and know they won't do anything to me. I was currently at their house and it was getting late, it was like 3:00AM and I was getting tired.

Grayson noticed and took me upstairs, I fell asleep on his chest as he watched TV.


When I woke up I saw Ethan standing in the door way.

I was still laying on Grayson's chest and he was asleep. Ethan didn't see me awake and whispered, "God, he's lucky, so lucky." he looked down and walked off.

What? Is Ethan jealous? No. He couldn't be... But I was still going to find out. I looked up at Grayson, he was still asleep and I kissed his cheek and got up. I tried not to wake him up and succeeded. I walked out of the room and went downstairs where Ethan was watching TV.

"Hey"I slightly smiled at him.

"Morning," he said smiling.

"Did you sleep good?" he asked.

I didn't comprehend what he said at first, "Huh?... Oh, yeah"

He nodded his head slightly and looked back at the TV.

I went over and sat beside him, he was acting weird. I might have just met him a few months ago but he was acting different. Very different.

"Something wrong?" I looked at him.

He looked away from the TV, at me then shook his head no and looked back at the TV.

"You sure?" I asked concerned.

This time he didn't take his attention from the TV and just shook his head yes.

"Ok, well I'm going to try to get Grayson up.." I walked upstairs. That's weird... Ethan isn't acting the same. Maybe he was jealous. It couldn't be because of me.. he probably means he wants a relationship like mine and Grayson's. Yeah, that's it. Why would he like me anyway? I was very surprised when Grayson asked me out, I didn't think I was able to get a guy like that. I sat on the edge of the bed beside Grayson.

I moved closer and laid down again. I started kissing his cheek and when that didn't wake him up I started shaking him.

"Grayson.." he groaned and tried to roll over but I didn't let go, "Grayson, wake up.... Grayson!" I yelled the last part and then he finally opened his eyes. "Morning" I giggled.

He slightly smiled and sat up, then hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Grayson, listen, Ethan is acting different, like weird." I told him he was acting different but I didn't tell him about what I overheard when I was 'sleeping', I don't want Ethan and Grayson to get into a fight over me, if that's even what this is. Even if he just said that about the relationship, there was still a chance he said it about me and I knew that's how Grayson would take it.

"What do you mean?" Grayson asked.

"I mean he's very quiet and he acts.. like, sad or something." I said just above a whisper because of Ethan just downstairs.

"Oh, well let's go talk to him." he said.

I walked downstairs with Grayson and Grayson observed how he acted before saying anything. He realized what I meant and went into the kitchen and motioned me to come too.

I walked into the kitchen and just above a whisper he said, "I see what you mean. I'll go talk to him just stay here.." he started to walk off but turned back towards me, "and help yourself" he motioned to the pantry and cabinets.

I nodded and it still felt weird for me to just look through their food, so I just decided to wait till he got back.

I heard him sit down and I looked through the doorway and listened. "Hey, Ethan."

"Hey" he said not looking away from the TV.

"Dude are you mad or something?" Grayson asked.

"No... I'm just... I... I guess I just realized something" he stuttered looking down.

Grayson looked at me with a questioning look without Ethan noticing and then back at Ethan.

"And what would that be?" he asked.

"...Just don't be mad at me, ok?"Grayson nodded his head. "I think I'm jealous of your and (Y/N)'s relationship," Grayson chuckled and I smiled. Grayson looked at me and saw I was smiling.

"That's okay, I know we're goals," he joked.

I sighed in relief.

Okay, guys that was long but I enjoyed writing it. I hope you like it! Bai! Ily guys!💕

My Dolan(A Grayson Dolan Fanfic) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ