"Your music sucks." (Chapter 33)

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A reminder that they're in college now in case I forgot to mention.

I jumped around the room screaming the lyrics to One Hundred Sleepless Night (to da side). I smiled at Matthew as he jumped around with me, even though he had no idea who even wrote this song.

The song ended and it was only then that I noticed Nash standing at the door smirking at me and Matthew, "You need to clean up your music taste."

"I actually like it," Matthew grinned.

Nash rolled his eyes, pointing to me, "Your music sucks."

"Oh really," I raised one eyebrow, "What part about it didn't you like?"

"Well.. It-" He tried to find the words, "It just wasn't rap or anything like that."

"How about you go listen to a couple of my bands and actually learn a few things about the music, then you can criticize it."

Matthew giggled and wiggled his eyebrows at Nash.

Nash just chuckled, "Fine, if I knew you were going to be so defensive, I would've just walked away."

"That would've been your best option," I crossed my arms and shifted my weight to my right foot.

Nash smiled and walked over, pulling me into a hug, "I just wanted to spend some time with you before we left,"

I tried not to think about it; the boys leaving. The last m&g of the tour was at home so they had to say goodbye after this.

I hugged him back and laid my head on his chest, "I'm jealous," Matthew muttered jokingly.

I smiled and broke away from Nash with one arm, motioning Matthew over.

"No, I want a hug from you only. I'm stuck with him." He shook his head and pouted.

I ran over to Matthew and jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist. He smiled at me then looked over at Nash and stuck his tongue out. I laughed then he put me down.

"I can't believe the tour's over," Nash sighed.

"I know," Hayes appeared, walking into my room. He joined me on the bed, looking around at the band posters and Magcon posters on my walls.

I sighed and laid back on the bed.

"Grayson should be here soon so we can start the party," Hayes stated and laid back with me.

I nodded and closed my eyes, resting them for a few seconds.


Apparently a few seconds turned into a few hours.

"Wake up!" Hayes jumped on the bed.

I sat up and sighed, "Is he here?"

"Yup, race you down the stairs!" He took off towards my door.

I immediately jumped up and joined him at the top of the stairs, "Ready, set, go!"

We took off down the stairs, and between all of the shoving, yelling, pushing, and attempts to trip each other, I don't know how we made it down the stairs without busting our faces.

We grabbed some plates outside and started eating.

Grayson arrived with the pup after her vet visit and we all joined on the patio for their "going away party".

Grayson walked outside with the pup by the collar, "I bought her a new collar, maybe you should check it out."

I took a look to see something engraved on it; "Will you marry me?"

My breathing quickened as did my heart rate. My legs became weak and I almost burst into tears as I looked up to see Grayson on one knee.

He was smiling, "(Y/N), from the first day I saw you walking on the sidewalk on our way to school up until now we have had so many good memories, bad ones, happy ones, sad ones. And if you wouldn't mind- I would like to make many more until death do us part. So, (Y/N), would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I looked around the room, everyone waiting, smiling, hoping for that one simple word that could change our lives forever.

My Dolan(A Grayson Dolan Fanfic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora