Together Again(Chapter 14)

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Okay, screw the schedule. I've had this chapter done for a few days and I'm just going to publish it now. But if I ever stop updating for a while always expect a chapter on Friday.

The next morning at school I walked in, my fingers interlocked with Grayson's. This girl walked up to me and said, "What is wrong with you? Going around playing boys like that, you've got nerve" she sad rolling her eyes. I just stood there looking at her.

"She isn't, Y/N is a very beautiful girl. Every guy wants to be able to call her theirs, and she doesn't have the heart to say no to most of them. And it was just two guys, she isn't like that at all. You're just jealous." Grayson said to the girl.

"Jealous? Of her? I don't think so" she said rolling her eyes and walking off.

"Yeah, keep rolling you eyes like that and you might be able find a brain you should start using back there," Grayson glared at her.

I giggled "Thanks for taking up for me" I said looking down.

"No problem, babe" Grayson smiled. We went to our classes like any other day and soon it was time for lunch. Grayson and I got our food out and sat at a table beside each other. Ethan sat on the other side of me and Ryan sat beside Grayson. Grayson didn't even act like anything had happened between Ryan and I. Neither did anyone else, it was just a normal day with the guys. Not only were the guys popular but I was getting pretty popular too. There were girls who wanted to be my friends and some who were mean and jealous of me. It was a normal life of a popular high school girl I guess.

When I got full I dumped my food into the trash. I sat back down with the boys and we talked until the bell rang signaling us to go to our next class. When the bell finally rang we all got up and walked into the building. I went to class and pulled out my books. I worked out some things written on the board.

Finally, the bell rang and school was over. I walked out of class and headed home. Grayson, Ethan, and Ryan had wrestling practice so they had to stay after school. I went home and got on my laptop. I was listening to American Idiot by Green Day ,until I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I paused my music and walked downstairs. My mom was in tears. I panicked and looked around the room. At the front door I saw my brother standing there in his camouflage uniform and combat boots, his military dog tags hanging from his neck.

"AARON!!! OH MY GOD!!" I said running and jumping into his arms. He was home. Home for good. Oh, I forgot one detail, I have a brother, his name is Aaron. He's 4 years older than me. He's 20, He went off to Iraq about 18 months ago when he had just turned 19. We hadn't heard from him a for a few months so we got worried. But now he's home.

"I've missed you so much, sis!!" He said squeezing me. I started to cry, my tears soaking into his camouflage uniform. He finally put me down and my mom took her turn to hug him.

Then when mom stopped crying she said "How about we all go out to dinner?"

"Yeah, Y/N, is that okay with you?" He smiled

"That's perfect!" I said smiling. My mom whispered something in my brothers ear.

"Oh really?" He said. Mom nodded,

"Well, Y/N, would you like to bring Grayson along?" he questioned. I got embarrassed,

"Well?" He asked

"Let me go ask him..." I said walking upstairs. I grabbed my phone and called Grayson.

'Hello?' He answered.

"Hey, um, my brother is back" I said.

'Really?' He asked, I had told him about Aaron when he left.

"Yeah, we're going to dinner tomorrow. He wanted to know if you could come" I said.

'Yeah, when is it?' He asked.

"I don't know, I'll text you the details when we get everything settled"

'Okay, see you then. Love you!'

"Love you too!" I hung up and went downstairs to find out the details.

"So, what'd he say?" Aaron asked.

"He said he can come but he needs to know the details" I said.

"Well, I have to meet some friends tomorrow at 11, so..." He thought for a little bit, "Is 2 okay?"

"Yeah" my mom said and I nodded.

"Well, it's settled then" he said smiling.

"Well I'm going to go tell Grayson" I said walking upstairs. I pulled out my phone and texted Grayson.

To Grayson:
We are going at 2 tomorrow evening. Just come to my house.

From Grayson:
Okay, how do I need to dress?

To Grayson:
Dress casual, see you later!

From Grayson:
Okay, love you!

To Grayson:
Love you too!

I went downstairs to tell Aaron and mom he said he could come. Everything was settled, all I had to do now was find an outfit to wear.

I got my laptop back, yay! And sorry this is so short, I'm writing a longer one. Anyway, thanks for reading! Ilysm! Bai!💕

My Dolan(A Grayson Dolan Fanfic) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt