(Chapter 32)

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I know Jack wasn't in this chapter but maybe to come..?
2,000 words since its been so long. Sorry for the wait. Enjoy! ;)

I woke up at 7:30 with Ashi still on my chest. As much as I didn't want to wake her up, I had to take her outside to pee.

I tried to wake her up but not scare her so she wouldn't pee on me.

I slowly sat up and picked her up. She woke and started wagging her tail. I pet her back and carried her outside to our fenced in backyard.

After she used the bathroom I brung her inside and let her run around some.

I went and took a shower, brushed my teeth and put in my MAGCON shorts that had MAG written across one cheek and CON across the other since I was still on my high from seeing the boys yesterday. Then I put on a old Ramones shirt with a matching beanie that Matt gave me.

I went up to my room expecting Grayson to be there but my room was empty. I fished my phone out of my pocket, getting a little worried about him. I called his number but no answer. So next I called Ethan. Four rings later I heard a "Hello?"

"Ethan! Hey, uh, do you know where your brother is?"

"Grayson, yeah, he's right here."

I heard Ethan yell after Grayson causing me to giggle a little at their childishness.


"Hey, sorry I just got a little worried about you."

"Yeah, sorry. I fell asleep at home tonight before I could call."

"It's fine, I just got a little worried waking up to an empty house."

"Empty? I left a present for you in Aaron's room since I'll be gone all day today."


"Yeah, go torture him some while I'm not there. Love you!"


"Love you too. Thanks."

I smiled as I ended the call and ran to Aaron's room where I found Aaron on his couch and Matt in his bed.

"MATTY!" I squealed as took a running-jump on Aaron's bed and started jumping on it in attempt to wake Matt up.

He rolled over facing me and groaned in annoyance.

"You're a turd," was all he said before sitting up and hugging me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. At least that's what I thought.

He pulled me down so that I was laying on the bed and put a pillow over my head, holding it down and he sat up and straddled my stomach to keep me from squirming.

"This is what you get for waking me up!" He yelled victoriously as he started picking up the pillow and hitting me in the head with it.

"MATT- STOP- I'M SORRY!" I tried holding his arms still.

He just laughed, got off of me and pulled me up to a sitting position and hugged me properly.

"I missed you," I laughed.

He gave me one last squeeze and pulled away from the hug, "You just saw me yesterday, Princess."

"That doesn't mean I can't miss you."

From across the room I saw Aaron frowning in annoyance, "Y'all are annoying," he said sleepily.

I smiled then walked over to him, pushing his hair out of his face and kissing his forehead.

My Dolan(A Grayson Dolan Fanfic) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt