Sorry, but "yes" isnt the best answer (Chapter 34)

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Looking back on that day, I realize a simple "yes" was what everyone wanted and I'm glad that's not what I gave them.

But I'm much happier now, with what I said, and not what everyone else wanted.

We've all had those relationships in high school or college that we just wish they would last forever and we think they will. Like nothing could stop us from having a future with that person and sometimes we come so close but it doesn't always happen like we want it to. Sometimes in the joy or excitement of the moment, for some reason, we change our minds.

It's not anything we can explain, there's no reasoning behind it, we just do and even though it didn't feel like it at the moment, it's the right thing.

It's kind of crazy how the universe works things like that out, isn't it? Just all of a sudden parts of our lives fall into place, out of nowhere, and we might not notice at the moment, but a little after it's something we couldn't feel more fortunate for.


"Grayson, you know I love you, and I know you love me. And there really isn't anyone I would rather spend the rest of my life with. But standing here in this moment I realize you know you deserve way better but you still stay with me anyway because you've grown to accept and love me for who I am and you've took your time to listen to my pathetic problems, and to learn everything you can about me, and to me, that's the most wonderful thing anyone could ask for. So yes, I'll marry you Grayson, a million times yes." A tear fell from my eye as I watched Grayson slip the ring on my finger and stand up to give me possibly the biggest bear hug ever.

And between my sniffles, I heard him softly whisper, "Baby, there isn't anyone better than you."

I smiled softly and kissed his adorable lips that are now all mine.

Forever and always.
Okay dolls, thank you so much for waiting and for reading my story, I know it's short but I figured the last chapter shouldn't be too long. I hope you guys enjoyed and feel free to DM me about problems or difficulties, I'm always here. I promise.

Stay beautiful!!~

My Dolan(A Grayson Dolan Fanfic) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant