(Chapter 7)

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There's a pic of Ryan on the side go follow him on Insta @RyanKaroly. Sorry imma be skipping some time every-once in a while...
Your POV
I walked into science class, Grayson leaning on the wall and a girl leaning on him kissing him. He had his hands on her arms and I couldn't really see too clear, I didn't want to though. I just wanted to get away and not think about it, but how could I not? My boyfriend was cheating on me and I couldn't stand it.

I ran out of the classroom and saw Ryan walking I walked over to him and hugged him then broke down. He held me and asked what was wrong while he rubbed my back.

"I saw Grayson k-kissing another g-girl" I said between sobs.

"What? N-no.. he wouldn't do that! He's not that type of person and he really loves you!" Ryan said.

"He was, I saw him" I said still sobbing.

"Ok well let's go home and watch Netflix and we'll have your favorite snacks. We can get this all figured out later. Ok?" He said.

He was the best I love Ryan, he's like a big brother. I nodded and he put me down and grabbed my hand. We walked to his house and he grabbed some food and turned on the TV and the XBox. He grabbed a blanket and sat down. He then motioned me to come sit with him. I sat beside him and snuggled into his chest and he put an arm around me.

After the movie was over we just played XBox and we were still sitting like we were when the movie was playing.

He said "I don't see why he would do that. Are you sure it wasn't just an accident or the girl forced him and you just came in at the wrong time?"

"No he had his hands on her..." I said looking down.

"Well... I don't know what to say... I didn't think he was like that. If I had a girl like you I wouldn't do that and I was sure he wouldn't either...." he said looking down at me. I looked up and just stared then his face seemed like it was inching closer, soon our lips were touching. His lips were warm and soft it was actually nice. I love Grayson though and I can't be doing this, as much as I want to. I started to pull away but then I thought, wait he cheated on me, it couldn't be wrong if what I saw was what I think it was.

I pulled away and just looked at Ryan again just like I did before the kiss. Then Ryan smiled and I did too. I just looked at his features, his eyes, his perfect hair, his smile, his lips, I guess I kinda did have feelings for Ryan... but does he feel the same way?

Then Ryan broke the silence, "I... we... I'm sorry" he said.

"I-It's ok...." I said.

"I-I don't know why I did that. I'm sorry." He said looking down. "You're Grayson's girlfriend and I can't do that to him even if I want to, er, I mean... I guess I've just been looking for an opportunity, but now's not the time I guess. I just.. really like you." he said.

"I-I don't know... I-I guess I like you too?" I said and it came out more like a question instead of a statement. "But I'm just really confused right now.." I said looking down.

"Yeah.." He said. Then my phone went off. It was Grayson.

From Grayson:
Hey babe, I need to tell you something... where are you?

"It's Grayson" I said showing Ryan. He read the message and looked happy at first but then he looked worried.

Your POV
I told Ryan bye and went to Grayson and Ethan's. When I got there Grayson had his head in his hands. When he heard the door shut he shot up. "Babe! I need to tell you something!"

My heart dropped.

"Y-yeah" I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

"So today t-this girl. She fell on me and I fell against the wall... o-our lips touched and as soon as I realized what was happening I pushed her off. She apologized and she left. I'm sorry because I saw you see it happen and I tried my best to get ahold of you but my phone was dead and as soon as I got home I charged it up and texted you. I went out of the class to find you but I didn't see you I ran out of school and I still couldn't find you so I ran home to charge up my phone. Babe please, please, please, please, please believe me!!" He said starting to tear up.

I could hear the sympathy in his voice and I knew that he wouldn't do anything like that. I believed his story 100%. "Of course, baby! I knew that wasn't like you to do that but I was still worried I guess." I then thought about the kiss between me and Ryan. I just shook the feeling off and jumped into his arms. I kissed him and couldn't be any happier.

Thx for reading! Ily guys!💕

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