Magcon (Chapter 31)

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So... the Magcon boys are coming over and I'm freaking, which I don't know why. Aaron has been with them forever and I've seen them before.

This will be the first time I've seen them since we all went to Florida together, but the second time I've seen them without my mom.

Mom left for a week to see my grandpa in the hospital. She wouldn't let me come because she said it would be best if I just stayed here to look over the dog. So I stayed.

I've been so excited. I've got the house cleaned. My outfit chosen and put on (picture of outfit attached). I'm more than prepared.

I check the house one more time to make sure nothing is out of place.

Grayson walks up behind me and hugged me, "I don't know why you're cleaning, you know they're just going to make a mess again."

I chuckled, "I guess so."

"I'm going to go feed the pup-" Grayson pecked my cheek.

I nodded and went to sit down on the couch.

I door bell rang after a few minutes.

"Grayson!" I called for him from upstairs.

"Coming!" He called back and I heard him shut the door to Ashi's room.

We let them in and I greeted them all with a hug and the last person to come in was my very favorite of them all. My brother.

"Bub!" I hugged him as he picked me up off of the ground.

"How have you been?" He smiled.

"Fine, how about you?"

"Perfect." He kissed my cheek.


"PÜMA! PÜMA! PÜMA!" They were all chanting as the marched around the room like a bunch of idiots as Ashi barked along from upstairs.

I sat on the couch halfway asleep, trying my best not to be rude and fall asleep on the boys. Plus, who trusts them to watch a house on their own??

I was laying on Cameron's shoulder as we both started to drift to sleep.


I woke up in my bed, swaddled in my comforter.

Warm breakfast sat on my nightstand. Toast, cream cheese, bacon, fried potatoes, and milk.

I reached over and turned off the alarm blaring from my phone.

I read the note sitting with my food;

"Sorry to wake you but your food would've got cold. Now that you're awake it probably means that I've been gone for about five minutes. I fed the dog, cleaned out the cage, cleaned up the mess the boys made and have the dishwasher ready for your dishes once you get done eating. I had to go out and help Ethan get a few things for his gf. I love you babe!"

I smiled and started eating, thanking God for my boyfriend.

After eating I texted a simple "thanks" knowing he would understand.

I walked downstairs with my dishes and started the dishwasher.

Picking up my TV remote and flipping through the channels I found Grey's Anatomy and decided to watch it to I popped some popcorn and walked Ashi downstairs.

I cuddled her since Grayson was gone and ate my popcorn, even though she tried to steal it a few times.

I have to say, this episode had quite a few trauma surgeries and a great amount of drama but just enough.

I sat the empty bowl on the floor and saw that Ashi was asleep, not wanting to wake her, I pulled out my phone.
I'm so tired and I haven't updated in forever and I'm so sorry. I'll try my best to do better. It's been a long time!! THANKS FOR ALL THE READS!! And remember babes you can always come to me if you need any help! Wether it's about a boyfriend/girlfriend, ex-best friend, best friend, sibling, self harm, suicidal thoughts, I don't care what it is, if it's a problem or it's bothering you, come to me and we'll talk it out. I love you so much! Bai!💕

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