xi. project nostalgia

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"You didn't tell me that your boyfriend was a hothead."

Yoongi chuckled at Taehyung's statements. Both of them were lounging at the bar, talking amongst themselves after they were kicked out for a few moments by the businessmen they had come with, as they had important business to talk to. Yoongi didn't mind; this provided him with more opportunity to fuck around with Hoseok's emotions. Taehyung was just as excited about the opportunity, wanting to explore any and every reaction he could muster out of Seokjin.

"Is he staring?" Yoongi hummed, edging closer to Taehyung. Taehyung snickered, glancing back at the table for a split second.

"Oh, he's doing more than just staring." Taehyung breezed, running his fingers through his hair. "But I bet you already knew that."

Yoongi chuckled, stirring the drink in his hand with his straw. Unable to help it, he inconspicuously looked back at Hoseok's table, and if looks could kill, Yoongi knew Taehyung would be dead. He'd never seen Hoseok so tense in his life before— not even when he had caught pictures of Hoseok stressing over the deaths of the Lees. A wave of confidence bolstered in him, and he found himself enjoying making Hoseok jealous. There was something about the way Hoseok's jaw clenched, eyes narrowed into slivers as his pupils shadowed with suspicion and a slight tinge of rage, that had Yoongi buzzing with excitement.

Taehyung leaned in towards Yoongi, making sure that the angle would make it seem that he was doing something other than talking to him. Yoongi dipped his head slightly, enough to cover his face.

"I don't think Seokjin is the jealous type," Taehyung whispered in Yoongi's ear. "But, it seems that Hoseok is. I'm jealous. Why do you always get fun ones?"

"Hm, Seokjin does seem unfazed about our interactions," Yoongi responded, looking over Taehyung's shoulder. "Who knows? He could be the silent type. Maybe you'll get lucky at the end of the night. You never did tell me how things have progressed."

"Nothing too out of the ordinary." Taehyung grimaced, pulling away from Yoongi. "Makes it a big deal to be at the top. At least, we're only business with the mutual acknowledgment to not let our 'desires' control us. God, I would probably die if it were anything but. You know how I roll."

"Straight for the coworker romance. I respect it." Yoongi smirked. "Personally, I'm going to cozy up to the President's daughter. Jooyoung suggested Rose act like a crazy ex, feeding into Hoseok's superiority complex. For obvious reasons, I wasn't interested in that idea."

Taehyung scoffed lightly. "Yeah, because you need to feed your complex first."

"I went along the lines of I didn't want to be cliche, but that works too." Yoongi chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. "It's funny really. I've never seen Hoseok so angry. Makes me wonder how intense the makeup sex is going to be."

"Yoongi!" Taehyung gasped before bursting into laughter. "You literally suck as a human being."

"Sex is one of the finest pleasures of life," Yoongi smirked, shrugging nonchalantly. "What purpose is there to live without it? Though I could just be biased, considering that Hoseok is...well, I shouldn't go into details."

"I'm convinced that you take these jobs for the sex." Taehyung shook his head, grinning widely. "Completely understandable. I mean, you're only twenty one. You have just started your life. No shame in you fucking around."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You're acting as if you're well into your forties. Calm down, wise man, you're only twenty five."

"You know, I never asked, and perhaps it isn't my place." Taehyung paused momentarily, shifting in his seat for comfort. "But I have to ask what made you seek to work instead of going to college? It didn't even take you two weeks for you to apply."

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