xix. project resistance

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Yoongi had managed to keep Jungkook at bay, at least that's what the boy hoped as he met up with Hoseok, who was waiting for Yoongi in his office.

It had been a while since Hoseok had told him to come into his office, but Yoongi wasn't surprised. His instincts told him that Mingi had finally caved in and had warned Hoseok of him. If that was the case, then Yoongi didn't know what to expect. The little power he had in the situation was now lost, and if Hoseok knew what he meant to Yoongi, Yoongi would be in much more trouble than he had forced himself to accept.

"You're here."

Hoseok smiled as Yoongi entered the room. Yoongi scanned the room, internally sighing in relief at not seeing a Mingi in sight. Still, he couldn't trust anything that was happening, at least anyone, and Jung Hoseok was no exception.

Yoongi offered Hoseok a small smile, gesturing towards the room. "What's the purpose of you calling me here? I thought you didn't like mixing work and pleasure?"

"Can't I ask my boyfriend to visit me at work?" Hoseok chuckled, walking to Yoongi. "I needed a bit of a distraction after I heard some unsettling news."

"Oh?" Yoongi questioned, tensing as Hoseok put his arms around him. Yoongi forced himself to relax into Hoseok's hold, putting on a mischievous smile. "And what do you want me to do about it?"

Without a word, Hoseok captured Yoongi's lips in his, catching Yoongi completely by surprise, one that wasn't necessarily a good thing. He was already nervous enough as it was, and now Hoseok was acting as if he didn't know anything, kissing him as ardently he always had. As Yoongi kissed him back, his fingers curling to grab Hoseok's shirt, all his mind could think was if Hoseok was planning on doing.

Yoongi's insides were flipping upside down as Hoseok's fingers traveled downwards, looping on the loops of his pants. He could feel Hoseok's smirk against his lips as he gently pushed Yoongi towards his desk, breaking the hold on each other momentarily to loosen the collar of his shirt. Yoongi could hardly process what was happening as Hoseok's lips met his once again, leaning downwards the closer Hoseok got to him.

What was happening right now?

"Wait, Hoseok," Yoongi managed to gasp out between kisses, earning an impatient look from Hoseok. "We're at work. Your work. What if someone were to walk in? One of your employers?"

"No one's in the building; I've made sure of it. Also, can't I show my boyfriend some love?" Hoseok murmured in response, running his hands through Yoongi's hair. "Time is always so limited. You never know how much time you have with the people you love, you know?"

"Love?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow, watching Hoseok break into a smile.

"You are by far, the only person who has managed to keep my interest," Hoseok answered, continuing to smile at Yoongi. "You're perfect for me. Literally perfect. But, that's what you needed to be for me, right, Yoongi?"

Yoongi maintained a poker face, remaining silent. Hoseok only smiled wider, leaning closer to him.

"It's funny," Hoseok chuckled, trailing his finger down Yoongi's face. "All this time, I've been searching for Adeline and Juno's killers, for the men that disappeared without a trace, and one of them has been under my nose this entire time. Not only has he been in reach, but he's the man that managed to capture my heart. Tell me, Min Yoongi, were you planning on killing me too?"

Yoongi smirked, cupping Hoseok's cheek. "Anything to get that check, baby."

"At least you're truthful," Hoseok sighed. "If you would have lied, I would have known. Mingi told me everything he found. He also told me that you threatened him."

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