xxi. project execution

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The sound of the gun firing had always been so satisfying to Jungkook.

He smiled innocently at Jimin, pointing the gun at the door, waiting for Namjoon to show. He put a finger over his lips, leaving Jimin shaking in the corner. There wasn't anything Jimin could do, even if he wanted to.

"Feel free to look away," Jungkook said, never taking his eyes off Jimin as the door started to open. "The sight won't be pretty."

Jimin shut his eyes as he heard the gunshot, covering his ears as the shot rang out the second that the door opened, a strangled cry escaping his mouth as Jungkook grabbed his arm harshly, grinning at him psychotically.

Hoseok had been right in warning him.

"You're joking."

Hoseok shook his head, gesturing to the files on his desk. "I'm telling you this because I care about you and Namjoon. I managed to get the bounty off my head, but this Jeon Jungkook fellow, I don't have any way of stopping him. I found out too late for Seokjin."

"I don't believe you," Jimin gritted. "He wouldn't kill Namjoon and me. He sought us out, told us himself! How could Minjun be plotting to kill us?"

"He wasn't plotting to kill you guys," Hoseok answered. "He was paid to do so—two different things. Minjun isn't his name. I told you already. It's Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook."

"You're lying!" 

Hoseok pressed his lips together. "You don't want it to be true, do you?"

"Because it's not." Jimin snapped, folding his arms. "How could he be lying about his emotions? Why would he lie about having feelings for me? It doesn't make sense."

"Does it not?" Hoseok questioned, arching an eyebrow. "You and Namjoon do the exact same thing. The only difference is, you don't kill people for it. Jungkook and Yoongi, it's their job. They derive pleasure from breaking hearts and ending people like us."

Perhaps it had been Jimin wanting to give Jungkook the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it was the way Hoseok, despite knowing Yoongi was out to kill him, still wanted to be with him and had gone through great lengths to do so, which made Jimin reluctant to accept the truth. He hadn't even bothered to look at the files Hoseok had tried to give him.

Now, his lover was dead at the doorway, and he was about to be next.

"Jungkook, please don—" 

Jungkook's eyes flashed towards him. "How do you know my name?"

Jimin winced as Jungkook's hold on him tightened, managing to stammer, "H-hoseok told me about what you and Yoongi do earlier today. What Taehyung did to Seokjin."

To his surprise, Jungkook let him go, a confused expression replacing his formerly thrilled one. Jimin's eyes gazed at Namjoon's lifeless body before immediately looking away, attempting to wipe the tears spilling in his face. Jungkook continued to look at him, devoid of sympathy at Jimin's suffering.

"That bastard snitched then," Jungkook's jaw clenched. "Stupid investigator. What I don't get, Jimin, is if you knew what I was going to do, why did you still let me in?"

"I didn't believe him," Jimin whispered. Jungkook burst into laughter, looking at Jimin incredulously.

"You didn't believe him?" Jungkook echoed, wiping the corners of his eyes. "Oh God, Jimin, just how in love are you with me that you ignored the warning given to you? Pathetic."

Pain flared up Jimin's shoulder as the bullet ricocheting off Jungkook's gun passed through it, his screams only causing Jungkook to laugh harder. Jimin fell to his knees, his free hand over his shoulder, staining it upon contact. Jungkook only looked at him impassively, shaking his head.

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