ii. project aphrodite

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Hoseok would be lying if he said he loved nights like these.

Don't get him wrong. He loved the pulsating rainbow lights, the loud music drumming in his ears, the chattering, and the mingling. Some were dancing, others talking, many taking advantage of the vast amount of empty rooms available, rooms meant for more than just conversing. The place was a beauty that left him buzzing with anticipation at the endless possibilities of the night. There were two problems.

No matter how many drinks he downed, Hoseok couldn't keep his mind off the Lees.

And more importantly, 

No one had caught his eye yet.

"It doesn't take you this long to find someone, Hoseok."

Hoseok rolled his eyes at Seokjin's statement. He didn't bother looking to the side, knowing that he'd already find two people on Seokjin. Like Namjoon and Jimin, he wasn't one to stay tied to one person. Knowing Seokjin even more, there was both a man and woman on either side of his arms, those two victims shooting daggers at each other as they vyed for Seokjin's attention.

"Are they not pretty enough for you?" Seokjin continued. Hoseok shrugged, taking another sip of his drink.

"They're pretty," he said lightly. "Not what I'm in the mood for today."

"Those types of days, huh?" Seokjin chuckled. "Still worrying about Adeline and Juno?"

"Frankly, I can't seem to get them off my mind." Hoseok grimaced, setting his glass down slightly. "Nothing has turned up about them. By now, I should have found something."

"Don't stress about it too much. I'm sure you'll find something eventually. Either that, or you'll come to realize you're wasting your time. Let's hope the latter."

Hoseok only scoffed, shaking his head slightly. "Only you would want to leave all of this behind you."

Seokjin and the Lees had a history— nothing good. Having dated both at the same time, Seokjin had successfully robbed them of their dignity and some of their riches. When he broke the news that he was dating both of them at the same time, chaos ensued, each Lee feeling mortified that they had been sleeping with the same person. For the news to not leak out, Seokjin had pressured the Lees to give him about two million— one million from each person. As soon as he got the money (and more because Seokjin couldn't help himself), he disappeared from their lives.

To Seokjin, it was great that they were dead. He never truly liked them anyhow; saw them more as his ticket to money above everything. They were too easily wooed over by false remarks and his charming looks, so Seokjin knew how easily he could take their money. Was Seokjin involved with people for their wealth? Of course. Did that make him a golddigger? Undoubtedly.

Did Seokjin care? Not in the slightest.

Seokjin took out a key from his pants and handed it to the female. "Why don't you two go and enjoy yourselves, huh?"

The female took the key without hesitation, lacing her fingers with the male on Seokjin's side. Hoseok watched as they stumbled away, shaking his head as he watched them scramble downstairs to the special rooms Jimin had installed in Lenocinium.

"I'm going to get more to drink," Hoseok announced, standing up from the seat. "You enjoy yourself, Jin. I'll see you later."

Seokjin scoffed slightly. "I sent them away to hang with you, Hoseok. I'm coming with."

"I'm not fucking you," Hoseok mused, making a beeline towards the bar. Seokjin followed after him, muttering obscenities on how he had no desire whatsoever to 'fuck him' among other insults. Hoseok only half-smiled, turning slightly towards Seokjin's direction for half a second.

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