viii. project selfish

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*warning: slight women objectification, social class degradation*

"Hoseok, did you hear me?"

Hoseok blinked twice at the shrilly sound of the woman's voice. He smiled wanly at her remark, clearing his throat loudly. He leaned forward, just enough to where he knew the woman— who he had already forgotten the name of— would react.

See, Hoseok knew the female body's ways— and this woman in front of him was just like the rest.

What a bore, Hoseok thought to himself as the woman began blushing uncontrollably. He gave her a wink before settling into his seat.

"My apologies, I was entranced by your beauty that I failed to notice your words," he answered smoothly, a coy smirk playing at his lips. "Has anyone ever told you, you're beautiful?"

"W-well," she stammered. "No one meant it."

Hoseok hummed lowly. "What a shame. I guess no one recognizes it. How could they not? Chestnut colored hair, mesmerizing hazel eyes, complimenting your round face. Lips, with just the perfect amount of fullness. A gorgeous violet dress, hugging every curve of your body with ease. Miss Seri, you are a sight for sore eyes."

If he would have told any other woman that, Hoseok would have gotten an uncomfortable look, but a woman like the woman Seri was, well, those types of words only serve to increase her ego, making her feel on top of the world. It didn't help that Hoseok was bribed to go on this date with her, meaning she had already expressed interest. All Hoseok was doing was playing the right buttons, mostly in hopes of forgetting about his mysterious stranger.

Who wouldn't, knowing how rich, handsome, and available Jung Hoseok was?

"Good evening, my name is Choi Jihoon. I'll be your waiter for today."

Hoseok's ears perked up at the soft, yet creamy voice, heart skipping a beat in his chest. He looked up to see a familiar red-head gazing coolly at them. If Jihoon had recognized Hoseok, he made no move to show it. Instead, he continued his job, silently recording everything Hoseok and Seri listed.

You know what, maybe fate is on my side after all.

Hoseok had to admit; he'd never seen anyone look as good as Jihoon did in a waiter outfit. Maybe it was because he'd never bothered to check out the waiters thoroughly, or perhaps it was because none of the waiters had been Choi Jihoon. Hoseok was willing to bet it was the latter.

Jihoon came in timely, making sure that Hoseok and Seri had gotten everything they requested. Seri had already caught on that Jihoon had sparked an interest in Hoseok because every time he came into view, her expression soured, and she promptly had him running constant errands. Of course, she didn't know the history between the two, nor would she, not unless Hoseok said something.

"The food was amazing." Seri smiled. "Though I've got to ask, are waiters normally this involved?"

Hoseok shrugged. "Our waiter probably needs the tips. You know how it goes with minimum wage jobs. The more tips, the better off they are. I'm not complaining, though; our waiter gave us wonderful service."

Seri frowned. "I didn't like the way the waiter was looking at you."

"The way he was looking at me?"

I've been watching him all night; he hasn't shown an ounce of interest in me; what in the hell is this woman talking about?

She shifted uncomfortably. "There was something oddly possessive if I could say, of the way he'd look at you. It wasn't too often, but I studied the language of human behavior, so it's easy for me to pick up these things. Almost as if you were his prey of sorts."

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