Chapter 2🌹

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This wasn't exactly how I thought I would be spending my day.

Here I now am, in the tunnels that is restricted from any human to be entering but I have that bracelet that my dad gave me. I may be here in the tunnels but I'm not alone. My parents after giving us this shocking news told us to pack a few things in bags to take with us now and the rest will follow in the next two days. Then they led Samuel and I to the tunnels but thankfully they had a cart on wheels which my dad drove along for miles and Samuel and I sat in the back trying to play games to pass the time.

Our bags were on the roof of the cart and my mom and dad sat in the front while we sat in the back. Not much to really do so it was very boring to be honest and the tunnels were very dull lighted and cold so I had to wear a jacket to keep warm but lucky for the other members of my family they didn't need any of that since they're vampires and are always cold.

Minutes turned to hours and finally in the end my Dad stopped in front of these large double metal doors with gold plated patterns engraved into the metal of the door making it stand out. To be honest I don't even know why we have to go live here with the royals, I don't mind, in fact I'm secretly excited yet I have no clue to why. I thought it was a joke at first but clearly it wasn't when my Dad wasn't laughing at my joke or Mom didn't crack a smile and that's when I knew it was serious.

We're not even living with them since they live at facility 2 which is still too far away in my opinion. If I was going to live anywhere it would be with them. I haven't seen these kings in a very long time so it's going to be awkward most defiantly, but we'll see how things go I guess. Maybe it won't actually be that bad.

Hopping out the cart I stretched and bent my body side to side since I was starting to feel cramped. My dad and Samuel already began to take the bags off the top of the cart and my mom stepped off the cart to come to my side and take my hand again.

"Trust us y/n it's for the best." Mom

"Why can't you just tell us why we're here in the first place? We were perfectly fine back at 11, why here of all places?"

I pointed to the massive metal doors that kind of creeped me out to be honest. My mom weakly smiled to me, reaching out to tuck some of my hair behind my ear and then sigh.

"You'll find out soon enough in this place. The sooner the better." Mom

A frown spread across my face but before I could ask her what she meant by that another cart similar to ours came from the opposite side of the tunnel and stopped right next to ours. A man dressed in all black guard uniform, protective wear with black boots and gloves to match and even had a helmet on the top of his head. Typical guard.

Two of those men dressed the same way and climbed out for one man to grab some bags from the roof of his cart just like my dad and brother. Then the other to go to the back of the cart and open the back side door.

He pulled it wide open and curiosity got the better of me and I stepped back from my mom to lean back and peak over just to see a girl just stepping out the cart. She was as quite pretty, long legs and very long brown hair that came more than half way down her back at least if she were to turn around.

She stepped out the guard who attempted to grab her arm but she pushed him away with force that made him stumble back from her.

"Don't man handle me! I'm an independent woman thank you very much." ??

My eyes widen shock yet I giggled in the end finding the look of the guards face just hilarious. However that caught the girls attention and she looked over to me and gasped loudly, smacking her hand to cover her mouth and stepped back so her back was up against the cart, staring back at me like a dear in head lights. I just stared back at her wondering what was wrong with her but then she dropped her hands to her sides and groaned to look up to the lights above us.

"Crap. Again." ??

What did that mean?

"Miss this way." Guard

He gestured towards the doors and that made me realise she was coming with us too. But why?

She rolled her eyes and straightened herself out, patting her front body down but instead of her asking over to the door like the guard suggested she made her way over to me with a skip in her step and a large smile on her face which was completely different to how she was just seconds ago.

I just stood there staring back at her until she came to stand in front of me and stretched out her hand but she was practically bouncing with excitement.

"Hello. I'm Kim Hope, it's nice to meet you. You're y/n, yes?"

My eyes widen but I reached out to shake her hand slightly creeped out.

"Yes I am. How did you know that?"

We parted our hands and she shrugged like it was nothing and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"I heard one of the idiots over there mention your name and a boys name. Sam I think? No?" Hope

She asked me yet I nodded and then pointed over to my brother just behind my mom who was still standing there and watching us quietly with a smile upon her face. It looked too suspicious to me with the way my mom was watching us but I didn't question it.

"Yes, Samuel my brother."

She turned around and yet my brother Samuel was frozen like a statue, eyes huge, body stiff as a board and yet it looked as if anyone were to touch him he would crumple into little pieces. Hope gasped again and her eyes also grew wide yet teary. She didn't move either and I grew more confused to what was going on until my dad coughed to clear his throat and Samuel broke eye contact first to pick up two bags and turn his back while I stared at Hope in question to what just happened.

She slowly turned back to me, wiping a tear and forced a smile to me. I may have only known her for a few seconds at least but still something was nibbling away telling me this smile was faked. I could just tell.

"Are you okay?"

I asked her concerned yet she nodded and sniffed just to glance at my mom as she begins to walk over to Samuel to have words with him leaving me alone with Hope.

"Yes I'm fine. Dust or something must of gotten in my eye." Hope

I didn't believe that for one minute and squinted my eyes at her when she refused to look at me. A voice in my head screaming to say she's lying but I chose not to question it. For now.

Her eyes were red so that meant she was a vampire but by the looks of the guards swiping their bracelets to a key pad on the door and taking in the girls bags she's coming to stay too.

But why are we here?

Somethings going on and I will find out what. I hate secrets.

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