Chapter 11 - Just Acquaintences

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Chapter 11 - Louis' POV

I ran out of Angie's room the happiest I've been ever since we got here in Hawaii. Angie and I were on the road back to being best friends. It was nice to see her smile at me again and laughing her little adorable laugh that didn't change at all.

"HARREH" I called, in search for the curly haired boy.

"LOUEH" he called back.

"I need you and your amazing cooking skills!"


"Because! I'm making Angie something now c'mon!" I say, trying to rush Harry out of his room and into the kitchen.

"Will she even eat whatever you're making me make?"

I groaned, "No more questions! And yes she will because we are on good terms now. So hurry up! I don't want Angie to stay in her room all night!"

Harry gave me a weird look, "DID YOU LOCK HER IN HER ROOM?!"

"No. Now get all these ingredients..."

I scribbled down a bunch of things into a notepad and handed them to Harry. A grin formed on his face, knowing what we were about to create.

"Your specialty... She'll love it" he smirked.

We got to work and before we knew it, our delicious creation was in the oven baking. She probably could've guessed what it was when the smell started to roam throughout the beach house. After it was done baking, Harry plated it and added all the finishing touches.

"Finished! Now, go get Angie!" Harry exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah, I know curly" I teased.

I ran into Angie's room to find her, Zayn, Niall, and Liam all talking together.

"Hey Lou!" Liam said brightly, "Why does it smell like-"

"HUSH CHILD! Angie come with me!" I say, cutting off Liam.

She follows me back to the kitchen with a smile on her face. It wasn't forced like it used to be a few days ago. It was actually a genuine and sincere smile. It was definitely one that you could never stop loving.

As we got closer to the kitchen, I walked behind her while covering her eyes with my hands.

"You know, I could cover my own eyes" she giggles.

"True. But, knowing you, you'd peek!"

"Damn" she muttered under her breath.

I sat Angie on a stool in front of the island counter in the kitchen. Harry placed the plate on front of her and waited excitedly.

"You ready for this!?" I asked.

Angie nodded eagerly. I quickly removed my hands from her face an her eyes landed on the plate.

"Holy fu-"

"Don't swear!" Harry said, cutting Angie off and putting a hand over her mouth.

She giggled and finally spoke when Harry put back his hand.

"I can't believe this! Y-you remembered my favorite dessert! AND you made it!"

"With a little help from me" Harry winked.

Angie was so happy to see the famous Tomlinson hot fudge brownie on her plate. Along with 2 generous scoops of vanilla ice cream. When we were younger my mom always made it for the two of us.

"We'll thanks! To both of you!"

"You're welcome! It's probably not as good as my mom used to make it... But in sure you won't be able to tell the difference!" I admit.

"Hold up. You made extra for me right?! If not, Angie I'm stealing some" Niall said, joining our conversation.

Everyone laughed except for Angie. She was too busy stuffing her face with brownie and ice cream.

"We'd knew you'd say something like that, which is why we made enough for everyone" Harry answered, setting more plates on the table.

Niall immediately got a fork and scarfed it down.

"Oh god I love you guys" he moaned.

"Same. I've missed this so much" Angie agreed.

I smiled. Maybe things between us will be back to the way before sooner than expected. I knew she'd like my surprise. It was the only dessert she ate when we were little!

"Well, thanks for the perfect dessert! But I'm knackered. I'm going to bed. Sorry for all the trouble tonight" Angie yawned.

"Trust me you aren't trouble. It was that group of boys that were" Liam said.

"Thanks," Angie said sheepishly, "Goodnight boys"

We all stood up and bid her a goodnight.

She gave the boys a chaste kiss in the cheek goodnight. And Harry being the cheeky boy he is, asked for another kiss. So Angie rolled her eyes and kissed both his dimples. When she got to me Angie hesitated. She put on a semi-forced smile and gave me a quick hug before she ran back off into her room.

True, I was a tad hurt. But I had to remind myself:

She's hated me for awhile now. We just made up today. Baby steps. We need to take baby steps.


Angie's POV

I ran off to my room and got ready for bed. Tonight was the the best night I've had in Hawaii.

I felt like I was at home... Like I was a kid again, eating dessert with my bestest friend in the entire world. Only one difference,

I didn't have my bestest friend.

Sure, he was there. But he just isn't my bestest friend anymore. Louis and I aren't exactly friends now! Yeah we made up, but now I see us more as... Acquaintances? But I really do want us to become bestest friends again. Louis just has to earn back my trust. I need to know that he won't leave me if we become that close again.

I think Louis and I aren't on the same page here. I mean, did he think that we were just going to pick up things as we left them? Act like he didn't run me over in the mud? Pretend he didn't just drop me as a friend like a fly?

I fell asleep exhausted. But I think I had a pretty good day... Except for the part where I almost got raped obviously.

Acquaintances for now... And possibly best friends again in the future. All Louis needs to do is win back my trust. Simple as pie really.

If Louis really cared for me enough to practically save me tonight and apologizing, that meant he wanted to be friends again. So he'll work to be friends again... Right?


End of Chapter 11!

AND CAN I SAY: YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! You've gotten me OVER 3000 READS! AND over 100 VOTES. How. Did. You. Do. That? And THANK YOU to all of your guys' sweet comments! I try to reply to every single one(:

Remember: fan, vote, and comment!

xxx -Lauryn

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