Chapter 24 - Forget and Go

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Louis' POV

"Could you just excuse us for a second?" I asked the boys as I took Angie's hand and led her to a bedroom.

We both just let the rest of the boys pick whatever movie they wanted to watch tonight. I needed to talk to Angie and why she said something about her being slapped. I mean, who would do that? Angie does nothing wrong at all. I closed the door to the room we were going in so the boys don't overhear this conversation.

"So how about this movie night huh?" Angie asked, fiddling with her thumbs.

"Stop. Don't do that, don't try to pry me off the topic of you being slapped" I warned.

"I'm sorry" she sighed.

"So are you going to tell me what happened and what the hell you were talking about back there?"

"Just... Don't get mad"

"Don't get mad? Ang, you were slapped, how am I supposed to react?"

She shut her eyes at the volume of my voice. I didn't even know I was raising it at her.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"Well here's the story," she started, "I was here with Niall watching movies. That was all we did today. Next thing I know, it's around seven thirty at night and Eleanor storms in like a mad woman. Things were said... and she thought I was ruining your guys' relationship and all this crap on how I should stay away from you. And so, me being sassy today, I told her to get over herself. Then I felt her hand slap my cheek and let me say, you got one hell of a slapper on your hands so be careful. After that she just left. Niall got me ice for my cheek and I don't even think you can tell it was kind of swollen"

Why would El do that? I always knew Eleanor was paranoid she'd lose me but why go after Angie? And why slap her? Maybe she and I really need a break because her coming over here and doing what she did was just out of line and out of character.

"Angie I... I'm so sorry. This is all my fault" I sighed.

She looked at me like I had three heads once I said that. Angie walked over to me and placed her hands on my cheeks, holding my head.

"You're fault? Lou what are you talking about? It's your messed up, no offense, girlfriend"

"None taken" I chuckled.

My eyes wandered from her eyes to her lips and back again. My stomach had major butterflies and my heart started beating faster. Why does this always happen? I can't be this close to Angie without feeling this way. I could hear her breathing stagger as I leant in, but she pushed me away and dropped her hands from my face.

"Stop... we can't. You have a girlfriend and I'm pretty sure this is why she slapped me"

"I'll talk to El soon..." I promised her.

She smiled softly at me and nodded. I opened the door behind me so that we could watch the movie and join the rest of the boys.

"After you" I said with a smile.


First Day of Tour!


Angie's POV

My alarm went off early in the morning. It has been a couple days since the movie night and things have been going much better. The boys carried on with their lives and so did I. Currently, I'm at Niall's place ready to get my ass on the damn tour bus jut so I can sleep some more. Everyone slept over here so we wouldn't have to waste time picking everyone up.

I rolled over in my bed and looked at the clock sitting on the nightstand. 4:02. Well fuck. I groaned and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair. After packing all my toiletries, I placed them in my backpack and made my way out. My suitcases were all in the living room along with the rest of the boys'. I made my way to the kitchen to grab a quick cup of tea to take on the bus but as I walked in, someone already beat me to it.

"Good morning beautiful! I made you tea. Extra sweet, just how you like it" he smiled. His morning hair was sort of a mess but I liked it, I've always liked his brunette hair.

"Thanks Louis" I said sweetly.

Things between us have pretty much gone back to normal. It's like we never stopped being friends. Truthfully, I missed being so close to Lou. Now that we have that close bond back I've never been happier. His smile makes me smile, his laugh makes my day, and his jokes make me want to hear his voice all day. it really is just like old times... but that's what scared me the most. I can feel myself slipping back into him. It's wrong. Old feelings are coming back and I don't want to get too attached. I'll only be disappointed when he picks Eleanor over me. They are working through problems right now and knowing Louis, he won't give up on her. He loves her, not me. I need to get that through my head.

"Are you excited to get this tour started? It's going to be a blast" Louis asked, sipping his tea.

"Excited... nervous... ready... all those things" I chuckled.

"You'll be amazing Angie, don't sweat it! I love your voice"

I blushed deeply, looking down at the mug between my hands. Suddenly, Paul and a whole bunch of other guys came into the house.

"Morning Lou, Angie. We're loading up the suitcases right now. Everyone on the bus by five sharp!" Paul informed us.

I glanced at the clock by the stove. 4:25.

"Lets wake up the others, god knows how long it'll take to wake up Zayn" I spoke to Louis.

We went to Liam's room first. Being the wonderful guy he is, he's already up and brushing his teeth.

"Eat breakfast!" I called out to him as Louis and I went to Niall's room.

I opened the door and there laid the blonde beauty.

"Niall Horan! Get your arse up and get ready! Sleep on the bus you bum!" I shouted.

His eyes went wide and I could tell he was about to cuss me out. but once he saw it was me, his eyes softened and he smiled.

"Well good morning to you too babe" he laughed.

"Good morning, now c'mon get up! Paul is here already loading everything up"

He groaned and Louis and I left the room. I glanced at my best friend. He was much more tense then before. He noticed me staring and gave a small smile. Unexpectedly, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

"What's this for?" I asked, laughing lightly and hugging back.

"I just... I mean I love having you back" he stammers.

I nodded and we approached Zayn's room.

"Lets unleash sleeping beauty" I smirked.

Entering Malik's room, he's still in bed with a broken alarm clock on the floor. Well someone didn't want to get up this morning. I checked his bathroom and all his hair products were still all on display. Typical Zayn.

"Zaaayyyyn! Get up! It's tour day my friend!" I chimed, opening the curtains to get as much light in as possible. it was only 4:35 so the sun wasn't even showing that much.

"Five more minutes" he groaned.

"Nope! We both know five more Zayn minutes means another hour. You can sleep on the bus gorgeous"

With another groan he actually got out of bed.

"That was easy" I said shocked.

"Too easy" Louis spoke up.

We shrugged it off and went back to the kitchen. Liam was finishing off a bowl of cereal while Niall was getting microwaveable waffles out of the freezer. Soon enough, Zayn joined us. it was 4:55 and we were all loading the busses.

There were two tour busses. One for the boys and one for me... at least that's how it was originally planned. Instead, two boys would be on my bus to even it out. I let the boys decide who's living in mine since I didn't want to choose myself. I grabbed my bag and small purse from the living room and made my way to the busses. Those things are huge. I walked into mine and I was greeted with two faces.

"Larry Stylinson oh my god! I'm rooming with Larry Stylinson!" I fake fangirled.

The two of them just laughed at me.

"So who decided you guys were going to be with me?" I asked them.

"Well Louis here insisted being on the same bus as you. I, on the other hand, begged to not be on the same bus as you." Harry teased.

"Oh shut up, you love me." I laughed.

"Seriously though we both wanted to be with you. Niall did too but I beat him in rock, paper, scissors."

"Harry the rock, paper, scissors king huh? Impressive."

We all laughed and I looked at Louis. His smile was so perfect. The way he laughs is the cutest thing ever and I can't help but admire him. I'm so glad to have him with me.


Anyway, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in like 6-7 months! I absolutely feel horrible! But high school sucks and I barely get any free time ):

I love you guys so much! You've done a MASSIVE amount of good things for this fanfic! I never imagined anything like it!

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