Chapter 9 - Close Call

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Chapter 9 - Angie's POV

The rest of the week pretty much went the same way it did the night of the luau. I was being rude to Louis and after a couple days went by, he returned all my remarks. I say something about his outfit, he says something about mine. I tell him he looks like crap in the morning, he tells me I look ratchet. It has become a daily banter between us now. This is the way I liked it: not being nice, not being close, nothing at all.

By now it was Friday, we had a week and 1 day left in this paradise. Harry somehow managed to find a club on this huge island so that's what we were doing tonight. I swear Harry is just like this sort of club magnet or something. Him as Niall were the big drinkers out of the bunch but they hated that we were in America because they were underage... In fact, all the lads did. That's when Harry found a club that was easy to get into and buy drinks from. Party animal alert!

It was getting pretty late so we were all getting ready. I was wearing white shorts and a pink, ruffled tube top. I slipped on white sandals and proceeded to doing my hair. I took out my curling wand and plugged it in. As I waited for it to heat up I put my iPhone's music on shuffle and played it on the speaker. First song that came on was "Superhero" by Cher Lloyd. I love this chick, she makes the best songs ever. I turned up the speakers and started curling my hair. I got the first half of my hair done in no time, all while doing little dances in front of my bathroom mirror.

"I hope that's not how you dance at clubs because that's just a disgrace" A thick accent laughed.

My fingers slipped and one hit the wand, almost burning my finger.

"Damn you Malik! You trying to burn me?" I said.

"Never," he laughed, "But you almost done? We leave in twenty minutes"

"Almost, thanks for the heads up"

Zayn came and sat on the bathroom counter and watched me do my hair. He was by far the one who I've been the closest with. At night we would have little conversations and when I would wake up in the middle of night I would try to wake him up, but that never really works. So that's when I wander to the kitchen to find my little Nialler eating his midnight snack and then we would talk. The two of them were my dynamic duo and then when it's the three of us we're like the 3 musketeers. I just feel like I'm closer to Zayn because we tell each other personal problems and stories. He talks about Perrie all the time and how much he misses her. I can see the love in his eyes. It's like when Liam talks about Danielle, which is all the time now because they got back together this week. She would be flying out with Eleanor sometime soon and they would drag Perrie so her and Zayn could talk things through. That meant me, Niall, and Harry would be having a singles night soon.

I finished curling my last piece of hair and sprayed it all with hairspray.

"Done!" I announced.

I grabbed my little purse and headed out into the living room. Louis was actually the last one down, big surprise.

"Now that the queen is here may we leave?" I asked in a posh accent.

"Of course, open the door for me peasant" he fired back.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the house, getting into the van. After they all piled in, Louis drove all of us to the club. Like Harry said, getting in was uber easy.

"Party time!" Niall yelled and disappeared into the crowd.

Everyone went their separate ways and made my way over to the bar. I honestly had no idea what to have so I just got their special margarita. After having 2-3 drinks I was buzzing. I hit the dance floor and danced with any guy that would dance with me. I grabbed onto another guy and he had a very familiar shirt on. I swear I've seen it before. I looked up into the guy's eyes and saw the most perfect shade of blue that's so hard to forget.

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