Chapter 18 - Girl Bonding

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Chapter 18 - Angie's POV

After the arrival of the three girlfriends, we went back to the house and decided to spend the day at the beach. Liam told the girls where they were staying which was sort of obvious. Everyone had a room mate but poor little Hazza.

"Not fair! I'll be lonely" he whined.

"Poor baby" I teased.

Liam, Dani, Perrie, and Zayn were in their rooms already while me, Harry, Niall, Louis, and Eleanor were going up to our rooms.

"Can't you stay in my room?" Harry pleaded, tugging at the bottom of my shirt.

"No, now stop being a flirt" I said, swatting his hands away.

He just shrugged and went into his room with a smirk on his face.

"Oh c'mon Angie, he wants to spend time with you" Louis winked.

"I'd rather spend time with my Niall" I laughed and ruffled Niall's hair.

And with that, we all laughed and went into our rooms.

~Louis' POV~

"So! You ready to hit that beach!?" I asked excitedly to El.

I was so happy she was finally here with me. I truly missed her.

"Totally! I really need a tan" she spoke.

"Non-sense. You look beauiful with or without a tan"

"Aww Lou, but seriously I do"

"Whatever you say" I sighed and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her towards me.

"I missed you" El whispered.

"I missed you too"

She gave me a quick peck on the lips and then slipped away to go change. I did the same and once I was done, I went on my phone while waiting for Eleanor.

"SHIT" I heard her yell from the bathroom.

"El?! Everything alright love?" I called from the bed.

"Not exactly..."

"Are you hurt? Come out of the bathroom babe"

She stepped out, still in her regular clothes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You're going to laugh when you hear this but... I sort of forgot a swim suit"

I sighed, "Thank god! I thought it was something serious"

"This is serious!" she laughed, causing me to laugh too.

"Can you fit into any of the other girls' suits?"

"Not Dani, she has a bigger butt than mine. I kind of wish I had her bum" she chuckled.

"Oi, I reckon your bum is cute" I say pinching it.

Eleanor laughed, "Perrie has a bigger chest so no. Possibly Angie? We look about the same size I guess..."

"Excellent idea," I smiled, "Do you want to ask or me?"

"Well she is your friend... but I'll come with you"

We walked a couple feet to Angie/Niall's room and I knocked.

"Just a second!" I heard Angie yell.

Within seconds she opened the door, dressed in a pastel blue bikini. No patters or anything, just plain and simple, although it did have a gold anchor in the middle of her top piece.

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