Author's Note! New Covers!

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Hey guys!

I'm so sorry this isn't an update but I just needed to share some things with you :)

First off: I love you guys! I feel like I never thank you guys properly for everything you do! The amount of reads, votes, and comments on this story is just unreal. I honestly thought I'd only have like a thousand but no, I have 20,000+? That's crazy to me! I know it's like nothing compared to other amazing stories but I hope you realize how much it really is. So THANK YOU! AND, I changed the covers to this and my other story "Breathtaking Love"

Second: I truly love talking to every single one of you! Which is why I encourage commenting! I reply 99% of the time hahaha. If you want, you can fan me and I'll fan you back so we can message! Also, you can follow me on Twitter! I just recently changed my twitter name to @calums_beanie (Calum is from 5 Seconds of Summer and I love him to death as I do for the other boys in the band) If not known, 5SOS is opening for 1D on their tour and they're amazing! Anyways, follow me on twitter ;D

Third: Check out my new story! Sorry for all the promo for it, I just want it to be successful like this fanfic! I believe it's a wee bit better than this one so please read it and tell me what you think about it! It would honestly mean the world!

Ok so I'm sorry this isn't an update but I will update soon <3 I love you guys with every fiber in my body! Tell your friends about all this chiz? Haha tell me what you think about the new covers!!!



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