Chapter 13 - Let's have a Bonfire!

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Chapter 13 - Angie's POV

I went to mine and Zayn's room to clean up after the little food commotion from before. I guess I was sort of asking for it since I drew all over Zayn's face and back with lipstick. It's a good thing Niall was there with me or I probably would've been way more messy.

When I was all cleaned up I walked back to the kitchen, ready to eat. You could've heard my stomach growling from a mile away. I was just rounding the corner into the kitchen when I bumped into someone. He was pouring himself a drink while still carrying a conversation with the rest of the boys.

"I'm sorry! I didn't see you there" I apologized.

He turned around, revealing those gorgeous pair of blue eyes that always manage to captivate me.

"No problem lil' lady" Louis said in a country accent.

I put my hands on my hips, "I'm older than you, you goofball"

"By like a month" he scoffed.

"Doesn't matter, I'm still older" I laughed and walked past him, ruffling his hair on the way.

"No! She messed up my hair!" he yelled dramatically.

"You're hair was already messed up ya dummy"

"Whatever you say bracey"

I cringed, "Can you not? Seriously I don't have braces anymore, I have contacts, and all this other stuff so no more names... please?"

Louis looked at me apologetically, "Sorry, no more names"

I grabbed a plate and loaded it with pancaked, eggs, bacon, and everything else the boys made. I sat down at the table next to Louis and there was an empty seat next to me saved for Niall. We all started chatting when Niall walked in and he saw all the food on my plate.

"Damn girl! Is all that food going to fit in the little body?" he gasped.

"If it doesn't, I'll make it fit" I said through a mouthful of eggs.

He grinned, "Finally! Someone who eats as much as me!"

"Well, this little girl has got to eat!" I laughed.

"HA! You are the little one!" Louis exclaimed, poking my side.

I poked him back, "Watch it Tommo"

"Well you said it..." he mumbled and continued eating his breakfast.

Niall piled up his food too and sat next to me. His plate had even more food on it than mine! We all ate and talked about our plans for today. Apparently, today we were having a little bonfire out back. Liam and Zayn were going out to get firewood once they were done eating, Harry and Niall were actually going to dig up the bonfire pit outback in the sand, while Louis and I were left to get the food.

"Ooo! Can I go with them?! It's food. you need my approval" Niall whined next to  me.

"But you're Niall. If you go we might as well just buy the entire store" Liam said.

Niall perked up a bit and had a curious glint in his eye, "Can we actually do that?"

"NO!" we all yelled in unison.

Niall then began to fake cry into my shoulder, pretending to be hurt.

"Oh calm down Nialler. Here, how about this. I'll buy you your own bag of marshmallows for you when Louis and I go to the store. It's for the s'mores" I whispered into his ear.

His head shot right up, "Deal!"

Everyone finished up breakfast and I started doing the dishes. Liam kept telling me that I didn't have to but I insisted that I washed them, even if we did have a dish washer. Not too long after I started, Zayn and Liam headed out to get firewood. No one knew if they were buying some or if they were actually going to cut some but I guess we would all have to wait and find out when they come back. Once I finished up the dishes and I was drying my hands, I heard a loud thud coming from near the stairs. I walked over there to find Harry standing in some sort of karate pose.

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