Chapter 32 - For Love

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Angie's POV

"Eleanor?" I wondered out loud. What is happening right now?

"Oh hey Angie..." she said with disgust laced in her voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Funny, I was just about to ask you the same thing." I shot back.

Louis just confessed his love for me. So, I'm assuming he has broken up with El already... I mean it makes sense. If Louis has loved me all this time, then the only thing that would've held him back from telling me his feelings is Eleanor.

"I'm here because I'm supporting my boyfriend."

My eyes averted to Louis.

"Boyfriend?" I spoke, raising my eye brow at him.

"Angie listen to me. Remember what I just told you a couple minutes ago? I meant every single word." He pleaded.

I rolled my eyes. I really didn't want to deal with all of this drama and I'm sure I'm going to be needed in hair and make up soon for the show... whatever I'll just find Niall. He'll listen to me rant about what just happened.

"You know what, we'll just talk about this later Louis." I sighed.

Louis POV

I watched Angie leave my dressing room and I knew in my head I couldn't just let her walk away. I began walking towards the door to follow her when Eleanor stopped me.

"Louis don't. She isn't worth it. C'mon lets just relax before you go on tonight." she spoke, taking my hand and trying to pull me back.

"Eleanor no. I'm done okay? We're done." I said firmly.

She looked at me with complete and utter shock. Does she think I haven't noticed her hostility towards Angie?

"Are you really breaking up with me? You don't mean it baby lets just settle down and-"

"No. It's over El, deal with it." I released her grip on my hand and made my way out of the room.

I looked both left and right but I couldn't figure out which way she went. God I'm so stupid. C'mon Louis think, think of where she'd go. You love this girl for crying out loud, you have to have at least some idea of where she went.

I was walking around aimlessly when I finally figured out where she went. The only person she can trust. I wish it was me but I'm an ass and Niall is simply better.

I ran to the lounge room which was in fact quite large. This is where they keep all the snacks and drinks so typically, Niall would be here. My prediction was confirmed once I saw his blonde quiff and I quickly scanned around to see if Angie was here.

"Niall! Niall come over here!" I shouted across the room.

"Hey mate, what's going on?" he asked, setting down his bottle of water.

"Have you seen Angie? Please this is really important."

"Yeah, yeah I've seen her. She was just here. I think she went to go get her charger for her phone or something."

"Is she going to come back here?"

"Angie said she would... why? What's so important?"

"I finally manned up and told her I love her." I admitted.

Niall's eyes bugged out for a second and then returned to normal. I cheesy grin started to spread across his cheeks and that's when I knew I was in for it.

"Aww Louis! Good on ya mate! I can't believe you finally did it, this is amazing! Now you both can just be happy and stop being little-"

"Niall. She hasn't exactly told me she loves me back."

"Louis you're honestly so stupid. Of course she does! Trust me when I say Angie is just-"

"I am just what, exactly?" a voice interrupted Niall.

I turned to see Angie holding a cord, which I assumed to be her charger, in one hand and her phone inn the other.

"You guys shouldn't interrupt me." Niall mumbled.

Angie giggled and I cracked a little smile his way.

"So um, Angie can we talk?" I asked sheepishly.

Her eyes diverted to Niall as if to ask if it was a good idea. He gave a much too encouraging shake of the head and Angie sighed.

"Just for a little bit." she spoke.

We walked outside into the hallway and once she turned to face me, I was already looking at her with expecting eyes.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked.

"Do you really have nothing to say about what I told you?" I prodded.

"That depends, what did you tell me?"

"Angie we were seriously just talking a few minutes ago in my dressing room."

"Okay so? What did you tell me?"

"You know what I told you." I huffed. I was starting to get annoyed with the sass in this woman. No wonder why I love her.

"Refresh my memory." she said simply.

"Angie." I whined.

She took a step closer to me, our chests touching.

"What did you tell me?" she asked once more.

"I told you that I love you." I breathed.

A smile spread across her lips. "I just wanted to hear you say it again."

I couldn't contain myself. I leaned forward and captured her lips with mine. As cheesy as it sounds, it felt like magic kissing this girl. I love her, and I will until the end of my days. I let her go once and I'd rather die then let that happen again. I felt Angie pull away so I let her, our chests heaving in and out.

"Hey Lou?" she breathed.


"I love you too. I love you so much."

"Well I believe this is a cause for celebration." I smirked.

Angie rolled her eyes, giving me a quick peck. "We have a show tonight you know."

"That's very true."

"And we need to get ready. We're needed in hair and makeup in about ten minutes."

I bugged my eyes and checked the time on my phone. Well time did fly with the ones you love. The room was nearly on the other side of the stadium.

"C'mon," I told her, "lets rock out together."



Better late than never on this update hahaha

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 52.81K READS AND 1.06K VOTES! You guys are amazing thank you from the bottom of my heart because in all honesty I've thought about just giving up on this fanfic but if you guys like it then to hell with what I want, I do this for you guys and all your votes and comments mean the world to me.

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! CHRISTMAS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!

The end is also just around the corner! Thank you my loves for everything!

-Lauryn .xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2014 ⏰

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