Chapter 7 - Denial

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Chapter 7 - Angie's POV

I stood in the water for a while, letting the soft breeze whisk past me and the waves crash against my legs. All the boys were playing in the water. They were apparently playing marco polo or some game like that while I watched. Sounds kind of weird saying I was watching them but I really was out of it and was thinking about things.

Louis made me feel something I've never felt before and I really didn't know if I liked it or not. He made my stomach feel sick, yet it made me excited. I was more awkward around him and my heart starts to beat faster whenever I hear his voice. I shuddered at his touch when he placed his hand on my cheek. The sad part was:

I actually thought he would try something. But bloody hell, he has a girlfriend! She was way better than me obviously.

It's only the second time I've been with the boy and all my feelings from the past were arising again, but I refuse to let them surface. I won't trust him ever.

'You don't fancy him.' I kept saying to myself, even if I did in the past I couldn't fancy him now.


It was February. Valentine's Day was today. Louis and I were in high school now, both of us being juniors. We rarely talked. It would be as rare as an eclipse happening. I guess I figured out I fancied him when we were in 8th grade and never really got over it, considering he was the only guy who would talk to me even if it was once every few months or so. 

I made a valentine for him, being the complete geek I was. I held it behind my back as I walked up to his house. I stood in front of his front door and took in a deep breath. With a shaky hand I knocked on his door. As soon as I set my arm back to my side I immediately regretted it. My stomach started churning and I lost the little speech I was going to give when he opened the door. Cheesy I know but remember? I'm a total geek. 

The door slowly opened and I remember my breath hitching in my throat. I didn't meet the brown haired boy I was hoping for. Instead, I was greeted by his blonde girlfriend Hannah. 

"Oh um... what are you doing here?" she asked. I could tell she was confused.

I couldn't say anything so I remained silent, not uttering a word.

"Who is it Han?" I heard Louis say from behind the door.

He came into view and I locked eyes with him. They were still the most beautiful shade of blue I loved.

"Bracey Angie..." Hannah trailed off.

"What do you need?" Louis asked.

"I-I um... I just..." I stuttered out.

"Spit it out brace face" Hannah laughed out.

I just couldn't. Not with her there. I ran down the steps, dropping the valentine behind my back and letting it fall to the ground. Tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes as I ran through the cold back to my house. The next day we had school and as I walked through the halls, Louis' friends were teasing me about my crush. I went to my locker and got everything organized for my next few classes. Just as I shut it, I saw Louis and Hannah walking hand in hand. Hannah shot me daggers and gave Louis a small, chaste kiss as they parted ways to their classes. My heart was officially broken from that day on. 


"Angie!" I heard someone yell, snapping me out of my past.

I stepped out of the water and walked over to Liam, the one who yelled my name. I sat down on my towel and made room for Liam to sit down too. 

"We're heading back to the house in a half hour or so. There's a luau going on tonight thet we're going to, so just a heads up" Liam told me.

I smiled sweetly, "Thanks Liam"

I tanned for the rest of the time and so did Liam. Well, Liam tried to. He always had to sit up and scold the boys every couple minutes for them doing something stupid. Mindy was right, these boys are a handful. It was about the 10th time Liam had to yell at them and I myself was having enough of them.

"ALRIGHT! Stop acting dumb or we're leaving!" I threatened, standing up.

"You wouldn't dare..." I heard Harry trail off.

"Try me Styles" I shot back.

He held up his hands in surrender and wandered off. I eyed the other boys as a warning and sat back down. Suddenly I felt cold water run over my head and back. I screamed and whipped around to see who did this. I was met by a cheeky smile with dimples. Figured.

"Ok time to go boys" I smirked. The smile on Harry's face disappearing. 

"You were serious?" he asked.

I nodded happily and packed up my towel and clothes. Liam held up a hand to me and I high fived it. 

"TEAM RESPONSIBLE!" he yelled. 

I laughed, "We need to get a better name"

"We have two weeks to think of one"

All of us started walking back to the house. Niall slung his arm around my shoulders once he caught up with Liam and I.

"May I help you my little leprechaun?" I joked.

"No. Just wanted to say from all of us that we're glad you're here with us" he stated.

"AWW thanks Niall" I say, hugging the irish boy. He hugged back, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.

"It's from me too! I want a hug!" Harry exclaimed. I think he just wanted to feel me up.

I hugged Harry as well, he kept running his hands on my sides but I didn't say anything. Boys have needs I guess.

"My turn!" Zayn said. I hugged him too but Zayn rubbed circles on my back. Liam hugged me next but unlike the past 3 boys his hands went around my neck instead of down by my waist. I was about to keep walking but Harry just had to say something.

"Boobear didn't get a hug Angie!" curly said. 

"I don't think he wants a hug" I said.

"Sure he does, right Lou?"

I looked at Louis and noticed he was tensed but he relaxed a bit.

"C'mon brace face come here" he said and opened his arms. Part of me knew he was joking but another part of me hated him for saying that. I stepped into his arms and lifter up my arms, giving little effort into the hug. We walked back to our beach house and got ready for the luau. I wore a pastel yellow dress with a white belt and the white flower clip I bought earlier. I met Liam, Zayn, and Niall in the living room but there was no sign of Harry or Louis.


Ok so, in this chapter I used Eleanor as a character(: I love her and she was a great girlfriend to Louis(: She's probably the sweetest girl ever and not mean hahaha. It was for the sake of this story (: So comment, vote, and fan my lovelies.


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