Chapter 15 - Truth or Dare?

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Chapter 15 - Angie's POV

The boys and I just started our game of truth or dare. Liam didn't want it to start out crazy so we all had to start out with some what sensible questions and dares.

"Angie! Truth or Dare?" Harry smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Truth" I smiled.

"LAME! But anyways, do you miss your mum and dad? I know we all do" Harry asked.

I nodded, " I miss them more than anything..... Now Niall! Truth or dare?"

"Dare! Come at me bro!"

"I dare you to... Eat sand"

Everyone started laughing and so did I. I was never really one I make up good dares.

"Alright, it's not like it's the first time" Niall chuckled and put a pinch of sand in his mouth.

"That's so gross. Ew" I cringed.

Niall spit it out and took a big gulp of his soda. We all went around, the boys doing dares and me playing it safe by picking truth.

"Miss Angie" Louis said playfully.

"Yes sir?" I chuckled.

"Truth or dare?"


"You know you're gonna have to pick dare sooner or later. But your question is, were you a fan of our band before you got this job?"

I laughed, "Sorry but no. I didn't even know who you guys were until I auditioned to be your opening act!"

"You didn't look us up or anything?" Liam questioned.

"Nope. The thought never crossed my mind. I was too busy preparing for the audition and thinking about other things"

"What kinds of things?" Niall asked.

"Well I wasn't actually planning on telling you guys but you're asking so I guess I'll tell you. My parents... they... they got into this horrid car crash about three months ago. I wasn't with them because I was meeting with Mindy to talk about upcoming opportunities for myself. Both of them didn't make it... and I-I couldn't work for a few weeks" I started tearing up, thinking about the tragic event that happened too recently.

"I'm so sorry Ang. I loved your parents. You don't have to say anymore" Louis cooed, getting up and hugging me.

"No. It's fine," I said, "I eventually got back up on my feet and started getting back to me usual routine. Sleep then sing then sleep then sing and repeat. I have my grandparents still, so they check up on me everyday"

"Just curious, but how did Louis know your parents? He said he loved them and all so..." Zayn asked.

I smiled and turned to Louis who still had an arm around my shoulders.

"Believe it or not lads, but this little lady here was my best friend when I was in school" Louis laughed, pulling me into a headlock.

"Yeah, I was friends with this arse" I said and elbowed Louis in the stomach, making him release his grip.

"No way!" They all said in shock, except for Harry.

"Way!" I laughed.

"I told Haz our whole story by the way" Louis whispered.

"Yeah I kinda got that" I teased.

"So why hasn't Lou mentioned you?" Liam asked.

My smile faltered a bit as the question was asked.

"Lets just say we grew apart" Louis answered for me.

"Yeah, and then he went off doing his thing on The X Factor so..." I trailed off.

"Understood. Now, next victim!" Harry shouted and we continued on with our game of truth or dare.

These boys are wild and will literally do anything you dare them to. It's like they were trying to get a Klondike bar or something!  

(A/N: lol get it? Like what would you do for a Klondike bar? Hah I'm funny ^.^)

Liam didn't want to do anything to injure himself so the worst dare he did was eat some weird concoction made my Harry an I. Zayn tried doing a triple backflip but ended up failing miserably, Niall nearly burned himself with fire, Louis danced like a baby dinosaur to 'Hips Don't Lie' by Shakira, and Harry stripped naked into the ocean. The lads had to help me cover my eyes for that.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I excused myself from the wound up group of boys and stepped near the ocean, letting the waves crash against my feet.

"Hello?" I spoke into my phone.

"Hey honey! Just checking up on you" an elderly voice spoke.

It was my grandma, or as I call her, Nana.

"I'm great Nana, how are you and Pops?"

Pops is what I call my grandpa.

"Oh we're lovely darling. How's your little holiday? Is Hawaii treating you nice?"

I laughed lightly, "You bet. You're up early Nana, it's around seven over there"

"Yeah well, busy day today! We're redecorating the living room"

"Sounds like fun" I smiled, even though I knew she couldn't see it.

I missed my Nana and Pops. They're practically all I've got since my parents passing. But now I have 5 new bestfriends.

I heard feet shuffling in the sand behind me and I turned my head to find Louis.

"Hold on a sec Nana" I told her.

"Louis? What's up?" I asked the blue eyed boy.

"Just checking on you. Who you talking to?"

"Nana... Want to talk to her? She probably remembers the boy who spilt wine all over her white sundress at my cousins birthday" I teased.

"Oi! I was like seven!"

I laughed and put the phone back to my ear, "Hey Nana?"

"Yes hun?"

"Do you want to talk to Louis? You remember him right?"

"Oh gosh of course! He's in Hawaii as well?"

"Actually, he's in the band I'm opening for. Can you believe that?"

"That's too funny! Well, put him on!"

I handed the phone to Louis, who had a grin plastered on his face as he spoke to my Nana.

I could tell he was making her laugh. That's what Louis does. I couldn't help myself but smile at the sight. Louis always cared for others and tried to make them happy. They eventually wrapped things up and I said goodnight to her. Or should I have said good morning?

"Your Nana hasn't changed" Louis smiled as we walked back to.

"She still telling pointless stories?" I asked.

"They aren't pointless" he laughed and bumped his hip with mine, "I miss hanging out with your family, they're cooler than mine"

"Really? I beg to differ" I scoffed.

"You want a whole bunch of sisters then?"

"Yes! I've always wanted siblings, you know that"

We reached the rest of the boys who seemed passed out on the outdoor furniture.

"Someone has to carry them inside..." Louis stated.

"Not it!" I yelled and ran inside.

Louis groaned but then took all the boys and placed them on the couch inside one by one. I put out the bonfire and threw a marshmallow in my mouth before taking the s'mores stuff inside.


sorry for being so cliche hahaha i love you guys! xx-Lauryn

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