Chapter 39: Season 1 Finale Part 4

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The Apocalypse (Season 1 Finale)

Sakura POV

I glanced at Y/n. 

She seems like her old self..... I thought.

Then the two armored zombies in front of us roared again and charged.

We jumped out of the way.

"Those brutes are pretty dumb though. We could use that to our advantage." Ryujin said.

"Brute?" I asked.

"That's what I call them. Brutes." She said and everyone nodded.

One of the brutes raised their SMG and fired it at us.

We dodged barely and the other brute ran towards us while we were distracted.

It slammed into me and I flew backwards and landed on the grass hard.

"Urghh!!" I groaned. "That freaking hurts!"

Nayeon ran towards me.

She inspected me and said, "Nothing seems broken. Just some bruising."

"The bruises hurt you know!!" I exclaimed.

"Well...umm...yeah?" Nayeon said with a frown.

Sana POV

I swung the metal rod in my hands and hit the brute in the face though the helmet took the brunt of the impact.

It was like hitting a huge squishy wall and the rod shook a little when it connected with the brute.

The brute staggered backwards.

Then it recovered and stared at me with a snarl.

Suddenly an arrow pierced its helmet and it roared.

Tzuyu nocked another arrow and aimed at the other brute.

It suddenly moved and dodged the arrow.

Tzuyu's eyes widened.

"What the-" I said.

Jeongyeon shot the brute I was fighting with her revolver and it staggered backwards again before suddenly leaping forward at Jeongyeon.

Y/n tackled her and the brute crashed into the spot where she was.

I swung my metal rod again and attempted to break the helmet.

The metal rod bounced off the helmet, shaking uncontrollably.

I let go of it as it was shaking too hard. 

That's strange. I'm usually good at holding vibrating items. I thought frowning.

"Sana watch out!!" I heard a voice shout and I looked up to see the brute charging at me.

I jumped out of the way and breathed hard as adrenaline pumped through me.

I quickly grabbed the metal rod and backed up.

Lia and Yuna quickly ran up behind it when it turned towards me and smashed their bats into the brute's head.

It roared and staggered forward, but Yuna cried out when the bat bounced off of the brute's head and flew out of her hands.

She clutched at her hands and Y/n and Lia inspected her.

When the brute turned around, it was shot by Jeongyeon in the face making him stagger backwards and then be hit by an arrow in the neck.

The Dead's Rampage (Twicexfemale reader)Where stories live. Discover now