Chapter 2

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Before the Apocalypse


"Hello!" A voice said. "Are you Choi Y/n?"

I turned around and saw an extremely beautiful girl standing close to me and leaning forward so her face was an inch away from mine.

I yelped and instantly backed up and tripped over my own feet.

"Owwww!!" I moaned and rolled on the ground in fake and real (true) agony.

"H-Hey! Are you okay? I didn't mean to startle you like that. I just like being close to beautiful girls like you." The girl said making me blush.

"Y-Yeah! It's alright." I said getting up and inspecting myself to see only a small bruise.

"Sana!! What did I tell you about sticking with the group?!" A voice called out and another beautiful girl walked up to the girl I presumed was Sana and grabbed her ear.

"Oww! Jihyooo!! That hurts!" Sana whined.

The girl I presumed was Jihyo replied, "Well you shouldn't have wandered off then."

She turned towards me and said, "I'm sorry for any inconvience she may have caused you. Sana has a tendency to abandon us and go over to flirt with any girl she considers beautiful or cute."

"She's both." Sana said winking and pointing at me.

I was flustered at her compliment and blushed again.

"Well, you two are beautiful and cute too." I said after I composed myself and decided to tease them.

They both blushed really hard.

"Th-Thanks." Jihyo stammered.

"Is our leader having a little crush?" Sana teased after winking at me.

"Shut it!" Jihyo said and twisted Sana's ear that she still had in her hand causing Sana to whine.

I giggled at them.

Good thing these girls don't consider me unapproachable. I thought. That's really a problem. I tend to have a serious face when I'm not doing anything and just walking around or when I'm concentrated so people say I have a cold appearance.

"Aren't there 7 more of you?" I asked.

They stopped bickering and looked over at me.

"Yeah. They're still talking with the office when I went out to search for this shiba inu over here." Jihyo said twisting Sana's ear again.

She shined again and said, "Look. I'm sorry. Can you let of my ear now?" 

Jihyo glared at her and she gulped before zipping her mouth shut.

"I think she's had enough punishment." I said going up to them chuckling.

I went up and gently took Jihyo's hand off of Sana's ear.

"Th-Thanks." Sana said blushing when I blew on it.

"No problem." I said smiling before looking to see Jihyo blushing and staring at my hand which was still holding hers.

"Well, let's wait under the shade for a while." I said letting go of her hand and walking away from them.

They are so easy to tease. I thought to myself smiling. They're kind of cute.

I sat down underneath Tree and gestured for them to join me.

"So tell me about yourselves." I said shuffling my cards that I had somehow managed to save from my fall earlier. 

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