Chaeryeung (Side Story Part 1)

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2 weeks before the Apocalypse

Chaeryeung POV

I looked out the window of the plane watching the Korean countryside pass by beneath me.

The man sitting next to me seemed to be in a happy conversation with his daughter about finally coming back after a year of overseas military service. 

"Don't worry sweetie. I'll be home soon! Then you and papa can play all you want." He said smiling brightly. 

I smiled a little at that.

If only my family was like that... I thought sadly. We're all so distant from each other...though maybe my sister is changing.

Chaeyeon was my big sister. She had moved away from home as soon as she got accepted into that prestigious university, leaving me to deal with mom and dad alone. 

My mom was...well a gambling addict and she got us quite into debt. 

My dad was a lawyer. He wasn't particularly well-known but he was well-respected among the people who did know him in the place I was from. That all changed when my mom got us into huge debt, he had to work twice as hard to try to pay it off but not a lot of clients wanted to associate themselves with him after hearing that he had a bunch of dangerous people after him as well as the fact that his wife was such a huge gambler.

They fought often and sometimes took it out on us. 

My sister took most of the punishments but after she left, I was left to fend for myself and I started staying away from home as often as I could. I began to despise my family but then something seemed to change.

My dad finally paid off the huge debt with the help of my mom who managed to hit it big with a good publishing company. 

They came to me one day and begged for forgiveness.


"C-Chaeryeung." My dad said kneeling down in front of me with tears in his eyes. "I-I...I wanted to apologize."

What does he want? I thought to myself eyeing them warily. The only time they've done this is one they want something from me...

My mom suddenly barged in and kneeled in front of me as well.

W-What's happening? I thought instinctively raising my arms in front of me defensively. Did I do something wrong again?

"I'm sorry Chaeryeung!!" My mom yelled crying. "It's all because of me that this family was ruined."

"What?" I said confused.

"W...We weren't the best parents. In fact, we were the worst ever. We didn't do anything that parents were supposed to do." My dad said bowing his head even more.

"We didn't take care of you. We neglected you and even hurt you. Things that we were supposed to stop from happening." My mom said looking at me with genuine guilt and regret.

I looked at them with a surprised expression, trying to comprehend the situation.

After a while, I glared at them.

"Do you think that makes everything alright?!" I exclaimed. "Over 10 years of my life!! I lived with fear!! Do you think an apology makes it alright?!"

They gulped before my mom said, "I know that an apology doesn't mean forgiveness. And we're not asking for it. But at least we can make amends."

"Amends? How exactly are you going to make amends?" I demanded. 

The Dead's Rampage (Twicexfemale reader)Where stories live. Discover now