Chapter 4

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Surviving the Apocalypse


I stared in shock at the device as it displayed an image of me right now as well as what items I was carrying.

Strangely though, it just read 'Classified' when displaying my medical information. it doesn't tell everything. Even to its owner. I thought and inspected it.

"Since nearby REDS entrances are all under lockdown for the next 48 hours, I advise you to seek shelter until that time, Ms. Y/n. There are numerous hostiles nearby as well." The device said.

I signed at it, 'Can you lower your voice to that of a quiet whisper?'

It didn't respond.

Huh? Guess it can't understand sign language. I thought.

"Is this volume satisfactory for you, Ms. Y/n?" The voice whispered.

I glanced at is surprised.

I think it has a camera on it or something. Hoonie said.

'A little lower please.' I signed.

"Is this satisfactory for you, Ms. Y/n?" The voice whispered more quietly.

I nodded.

Seems like a pretty advanced piece of technology. Hoonie said.

Yeah....let me check it out a bit more. I thought.

I touched the screen and it immediately flashed and displayed several icons.

The icons read: Scanner, Files, Automatic Authorization, On-Site Communication, and Weapon Unlocks.

Weapons? Files? Scanner? What is all this? I thought.

I clicked on Files first.

It showed several files on something called, X-1.

I clicked on the description.

Warning: File incomplete. Head to on-site computer for reconstruction.


Type: Mutant (Human-Class)

Field Usage: FAILURE

Description: Only one successful.......exists............moved to Site not as intelligent as desired, seems to only respond to commands from X-2.......incorrect mutation resulted in altered muscle-to-brain nerve communication....strength seems to exceed predictions, however......

What the-?! I can barely make sense of this file. I thought.

There was a picture of a cage where the metal bars were torn in half by something and a note that read, "May need to keep in stasis".

Hmmmmmm.....what is going on here? I thought.

Maybe it has something to do with the recent zombie outbreak? Hoonie said.

Maybe. I thought.

Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed my shoulder.

I whirled around swinging my knife.

It met empty air as whoever or whatever it was ducked quickly.

"Y/n!! It's me!!" Yuna whisper-yelled.

I stopped my swing mid-air and frowned at her.

'What are you doing here?' I mouthed at her.

"What?" She asked frowning.

The Dead's Rampage (Twicexfemale reader)Where stories live. Discover now