Chapter 16

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The Apocalypse


"We're going guys." Jeongyeon said and we started walking down the hallway. "See you guys later at the stairs."

"Stay safe." Everyone said and we gave them a thumbs-up before running down the hallway.

The few zombies in the hallway suddenly turned towards us groaning.

Jeongyeon smacked a few of them as we ran by to chase after us more.

Pretty soon, all the zombies started running towards.

I could see the others running down the hallway and turning to look in the rooms for any sign of Nayeon in the corner of my eyes.

Then, we rounded a corner and I lost sight of them.

"I think we should draw them towards the other side of the building towards the library." Jeongyeon said pointing at the direction of the library.

I nodded and we started heading over to the library drawing more zombies.

We started running when the group of zombies following us started chasing us in earnest.

We glanced inside a few classrooms as we were running to see if Nayeon was in there but to no avail.

I suddenly grabbed Jeongyeon's arm and pulled her inside a classroom.

"What is it Y/n?" She asked.

I pointed towards the back of the classroom and a girl that looked a lot like Nayeon was facing the wall.

Jeongyeon frowned at her and studied her figure and whispered, "I don't think that's Nayeon but she doesn't look like a zombie so let's check her out."

I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Wha-oh wait! That's not what I meant!" Jeongyeon exclaimed and shook her free hand rapidly.

I just smiled at her before gesturing for her to go first.

We carefully walked forward until we were right behind her.

We took a deep breath and Jeongyeon gripped the metal rod tightly.

I tentatively placed a hand on her shoulder and the girl shook and jumped up in surprise making me jump onto Jeongyeon and wrap my arms around her.

The girl turned around with a yawn and rubbed her eyes.

"Wh-What happened?" She said huskily making us gulp.

We shook our heads and Jeongyeon asked, "Who are you?"

"Oh. Sorry. My name is Shin Yuna and I'm new here." She said smiling brightly at us. "Sorry. Did I sleep through class again?"

Me and Jeongyeon both thought the same exact thing.

She fell asleep standing?! We thought.

" sleep standing up?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Y-Yeah." Yuna said blushing in embarassment. "I tend to do that." 

"Well......I mean Chaeyoung does that sometimes so I guess." Jeongyeon said shrugging.

I looked at her in surprise.

"Ask her later." Jeongyeon signed at me.

"Woah! Is that sign language?" Yuna exclaimed. "I've seen that before but I don't understand it at all."

She pouted.

We just shrugged and chuckled.

"By the way, Yuna. Did you know there's a zombie apocalypse right now?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Wh-What?" Yuna said shocked. "N-No! Are you serious?"

"Unfortunately yes." Jeongyeon said and Yuna looked at me with fearful eyes making me hesitantly nod.

"C-Can you guys t-take me with you then?" Yuna asked clinging onto us.

"O-Of course." Jeongyeon said taken aback and I nodded rapidly.

"Thank you." She said sighing in relief.

"Let's go outside first." Jeongyeon said. "We're not really safe staying here."

Yuna nodded and said, "I'll wait for you two lovebirds at the door."

Lovebirds? I thought then I realized I was still clinging onto Jeongyeon and she was blushing really hard.

Whoops. I thought and jumped off of her.

I chuckled nervously and scratched the back of my neck.

"Sorry." I signed.

"It's okay." Jeongyeon said blushing. "We should go outside now."

I nodded sheepishly and we walked towards the door.

"Alright. Let's check if the coast is clear." Jeongyeon said and me and her stuck our heads out of the classroom very carefully.

I made an OK sign with my hand when I saw no zombies.

I suddenly heard a very close snarl and turned around to see a zombie literally just a couple of feet beside me.

It was about to lunge when Jeongyeon suddenly hit it with her pole and it stumbled backwards.

"Run!" Jeongyeon yelled and pushed me forward as we started running

Yuna screamed in fear and started running faster than me or Jeongyeon.

Dang. She's fast. But how did that zombie manage to sneak up on me? I thought looking behind me to see Jeongyeon catching up after having knocked down some zombies.

Am I getting rusty? I thought as I dodged a zombie that just came out of a classroom.

Jeongyeon caught up to me and all three of us sprinted towards the library.

I looked behind me and gave out a gasp.

"What is i-holy fudge!!" Jeongyeon exclaimed when we turned around to see a pair of really fast zombies right on our tails.

They lunged and we just barely dodged them.

"There's the library." Yuna said pointing.

We ran inside and closed the door locking it.

We panted and collapsed onto the floor.

The door behind us shuddered as zombies tried to force it open.

"Yuna." Jeongyeon said panting. "You're really fast."

"Thanks." Yuna said panting. "It's a hidden talent of mine."

I nodded my head before looking in front of us.

I widened my eyes and covered my mouth to stop from letting out a gasp.

"What is it Y/n?" Jeongyeon asked before she and Yuna looked to see what I saw.

Jeongyeon quickly covered Yuna's mouth before she let out a scream.

In front of us......

.....was an eyeless zombie dog.


LOL. At this point Itzy is going to appear a lot in this story. I actually didn't intend for them to appear but I decided to go with it and...well....this happened.

I can't stop the tide now. Haha. Should I turn this into a ItzyxTwicexFemale Reader because that's what this is slowly becoming? If not, well....I'll think of something.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this. I tried to get this chapter out faster but complications arose. Hope you guys aren't disappointed with me.

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