Chaeryeung Side-Story Part 4

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1 week before the Apocalypse

Chaeryeung POV

" got a minute?" Chaeyeon asked me as she cracked open the door to my room.

I glanced over at her and replied, "Sure. What do you have to say?"

"Okay...let's go on a little trip." She said.

"Trip?" I asked. "To where?"

"Look. It's not to a bad place or anything like that. Just my favorite spot in the whole city." Chaeyeon said to me.

"That sounds like a bad place to me." I said curtly.

"Please. Just think about it, okay?" She asked with a desperate look before leaving the room.

Hmmph. I thought to myself before sighing.

Several hours later

So....this is what you've been up to.... I thought to myself sighing.

We were at the top of a large walkway overlooking the entire city.

Behind us was a building called the Seoul Small Art Emporium.

"'re an artist?" I asked.

"Well, kind of. I'm trying to be an artist and the art director here has shown a lot of interest in my pieces so far. He's pretty cool." Chaeyeon said with a smile.

"Sure you're not seducing him or something? Your art was pretty awful from what I've seen." I grumbled.

"Hey. Take that back!!" She said and grabbed my ear.

"OW!" I exclaimed grabbing her hair.

"Someone needs to rein in that mouth of yours!!" Chaeyeon shouted twisting my ear.

"Who?! You?!!" I shouted back grabbing two fistfuls of hair.

"OWW! LET GO!!" She said grabbing a fistful of my hair as well.

"You'd better let go now!" I said shaking her head.

"You first!" Chaeyeon said retaliating.

"Alright! On three!" I said.

"One. Two. Three." 

We both pulled harder.

"ARgh!" I said. "Let go!"

"You didn't let go either!!" Chaeyeon countered.

"Alright. One. Two. Three." 

We both let go of each other.

I rubbed my throbbing ear and hair, glaring at Chaeyeon.

"Why are you smiling?" I demanded.

"Nothing." Chaeyeon said chuckling.

"Hmmph. Whatever. Let's go back. This place sucks." I said turning around and walking away.

Chaeyeon chuckled behind me and said, "Don't you want to check out the rest of my pieces?"

"What pieces? Your stupid pieces of trash." I muttered before yelping as Chaeyeon dragged me inside.

-- Unknown amount of time later --

Third Person POV

Under the light of the moon, a mysterious figure walked up the stairs.

They had heavy pieces of cloth wrapped around their body with a thick hood and scarf wrapped around their face. A pair of goggles covered the person's eyes.

The person had a backpack with various pouches and bullets strapped to it.

A Daewoo Telecom K7 swung around with the strap around their neck. A pistol was holstered at her belt with a hwangdo sword sheathed at the other side.

As she walked up the stairs, a bloodstained metal bat with nails attached to it with tape and superglue dragged behind her.

A zombie lurched and cocked its head, listening to the sound of the bat dragging along the floor.

It spotted the figure and ran at them, snarling. In its hand, the zombie clutched a makeshift shield.

The person raised their bat and prepared to strike. The zombie raised its shield and charged.

With a casual sidestep, the person dodged the charge. Anticipating this, the zombie swung its shield as it approached the person. The person simply grabbed the end of the shield closest to the zombie and used their momentum to drive them into the ground.

The person planted their foot on the zombie's hand clutching the shield and quickly swung their bat down. The zombie moved so that the bat only hit their chest, causing an explosion of blood.

With a swipe, the zombie attempted to knock the bat out of their hand only for the person to plant their other foot onto the zombie's stomach and grab their wrist before wrenching the bat free from the zombie's chest and bringing it down on their head, splitting it open.

Looking behind the figure, one would be able to see a trail of defeated zombies, all clutching makeshift weapons and defeated in similar manners.

As the person wiped off their clothes with a torn shirt, they moved away from the zombie and towards the railing.

"Chaeyeon..." They whispered looking over the now-ruined city.

The person sighed and whispered again.

"I will find who did this and avenge you." 

The person then walked towards the art emporium. 

Inside, there were various workstations and computers, all abandoned.

Alarms blared.

"Target 0000 is approaching the city. Target 0000 is approaching the city. All personnel immediately evacuate their stations."

As the person walked further into the building, various large cylinders came into view.

Inside them were various creatures and monstrosities. 

"YOU!!" A voice called out in anger.

The person looked up with a glare.

"Kyeun-gi! Where are you?" They exclaimed, raising their bat.

The person on the loudspeaker ignored them.


Suddenly, all of the creatures within the large cylinders starting opening their eyes and moving.


The person raised their bat as the creatures began to break out and crawl towards them.



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