"The police station?"

"Of course, to report the theft you suffered. You remember, right?"Dr Park looked at him with a slight frown.

So a robbery. Well, after looking at the condition of his apartment, it was the most appropriate conclusion.

"I... Yes, sure, I remember. It's just that ... It's a bit ..." Yoongi passed his hand over the back of his neck in a nervous gesture that would accompany him until the end of his days, probably.

"Don't worry, Yoongi-ssi. I understand your situation." The doctor cut it off. "That they come to rob your house and destroy it is not something pleasant to experience. It's a shame the police couldn't catch those criminals, they've been causing trouble around the area for a while now. But luckily, his friends arrived in time to bring him here."

"Yes, I was quite lucky." He replied with a relieved sigh. Without realizing it, the doctor had saved him from having to make up an excuse. And his friends had been quick to come up with that robbery idea.

After leaving, he was going to have to continue with that lie, because he couldn't tell the rest about the shadows. He felt bad about having to hide what had really happened to him, but he thought it was something totally surreal and hard to believe. That Jin and Namjoon were involved was only because Yoongi took it out on the other rapper, and seeing two pairs of concerned eyes was enough for him. They had seen the changes firsthand, but the others were oblivious to their problem, and Yoongi wanted it to stay that way. If what that woman had said was true, he would never see those shadows again, so his life would regain the rhythm it had carried until now.

"You're really lucky. Especially since he found his soul mate. Thanks to him, his gem managed to stay stable."

The doctor's words snapped him out of his thoughts. Hearing him mention his soulmate made his heart race for no apparent reason, and his attention focused on what the doctor had said.

"My soul mate?" Yoongi repeated.

"Exact. Your gems connected last night, according to what his friends explained when he got here. Don't you remember?"

"No. I mean, yeah, I remember, but ... What does my ... soulmate have to do with this?"

"Well, he saved your life in a way." It seemed as if the doctor had noticed his confusion. His words had come out slowly for Yoongi to understand.

"Saved my life," Yoongi repeated as if with this he could understand it better. "I don't get it." He ended up saying a few moments later.

"It's alright. I'll explain it to you."

And with that said, the doctor put the briefcase on the table next to Yoongi's bed and took a chair that was at the back of the room. After pulling himself closer to the bed, he sat down and looked Yoongi in the eye. In any other circumstance, he might have been intimidated, but this man was his doctor, an affable one, and at this moment the confusion, and the curiosity, were stronger.

"According to your friends, when they arrived minutes after the robbery, your gem and the other boy's gem, what was his name? ..." The doctor's eyes looked to a distant point on the wall, as if he could thus remember the name.

"Jungkook," Yoongi replied without thinking.

"Exact! Jungkook." The doctor exclaimed, snapping his fingers. "Well, your gems connected, correct?" Doctor Park waited for Yoongi to confirm it before continuing with his explanation. "You see, Yoongi-ssi, when you got here, aside from being unconscious, your gem was quite unstable, and when I say unstable, I mean it was doing you more harm than good."

Take Me to the Sky✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें