The Secretive Bad Girl

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Chapter 10

There's no fucking way I'm dying. not today.

It's not my bitchass time right now. I'm not gonna die, I won't. I still have fucking stuff to do

I saw him put his finger on the trigger ready to shoot


I quickly had gotten out of his grip and quickly dodged the gun, moving out of its way right when he pulled the fucking trigger.

I grabbed his arm and kneed it,

he gasped from the pain.

I felt his bone break when I had kneed his arm.

His grip loosened on the gun. I quickly got it out from his hands and pointed it at him.

I stood up even though my fucking leg was hurting badly.

"What did you fucking say about lea?" I hissed icily glaring at this fucker.

All he did was clutch his nose and arm.

For a strong fucking guy he seems like a pussy.

He was well built. His arms were huge, and that how I know he was doing steroid cuz there's no way a guy can fucking have those kind of arms naturally.

"I'm talking to you." I snapped, while kicking his side.

"N-Nothing." he replied but still groaning in pain.

"Liar," I hissed icily, glaring at him.

"What the hell did you say about jade?" I asked pissed off.

That's when he smirked but I can see through his fucking eyes that he's scared of me and that he was in soo much fucking pain.

"She's g-gonna die. there's no way you're gonna s-save her. they already know y-you're not with them. see those c-cameras?" he asked slightly pointing his finger to the camera up in the corner of the room.

"It was d-designed, to notify Evelyn's men, if you or any of your f-f-friends came near my h-house."

I pointed my gun up at the camera and shot it without even looking up.

I then turned my arm into the other corner and shot another camera without looking.

"That's a fucking lie. you and I both know that's not what those cameras are made for asshole," I hissed.

I knew this guy had cameras. I'm not stupid, I knew to check him out first and what he might have and I know for damn sure those cameras aren't made for what he has just said.

"I hate when people lie to me." I said dangerously low.

His eyes slightly widened but then went to their normal size. I knew he was trying to be calm.

I'm sure he got scared for a moment because of how I knew and what I might do to him for lying.


I shot his shoulder, close to his head making him flinch.

But he was now groaning in pain, an I know he was trying to hold back a scream.


I shot his leg.

I pulled out my knife. I'm so pissed off. he pissed me the hell off.

I threw my knife right into his stomach and I then started to pull it downward towards his guts.

The guy then started to scream in pain. he tried moving my arms away but then I shot one of his hands.

His Secretive Bad GirlWhere stories live. Discover now