The Secretive Bad Girl (Training Day)

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Chapter 28

30 minutes later

I wake up on my back looking straight ahead watching the clouds in the sky move and trees slowly passing by but it was so blurry. My eyelids felt so heavy. I feel crunchy leaves and twigs on the floor brushing under my arms. I felt pain everywhere in my body. I never felt this much aching before. It even hurt to breath. As I came to realization I notice I'm being dragged by my feet. I try to pick up my head to figure out what's going on but as soon as I picked my head up I felt woozy and everything started to spin. I winced in pain tasting the blood from my lip.

I try to touch my head but I was refrained from doing so. I lifted my hands so they're in view. Shit my hands are tied up and they're tied up pretty damn good. I tried to kick my feet but they were tied up together as well. As soon as I moved my feet, I felt pain shoot up my ankle.

I groaned in agony.

"Oh shit she's awake" I hear Daryl yell. I can't see him but from the sound of his voice, he sounds like he's a couple feet away.

"Calm down she's tied up." I hear Jayden say panting.

Jai scoffed. "Like that's stopped her before" he finished however his voice was very faint, like if he was ahead of Daryl.

Jaydens the only one who seems to be the closest to me by hearing their voice. so I'm guessing he's the one that's dragging me by my feet.

I try squirming out of his grip but that's when it hit me....the pain to breath , the pain in my back and ribs.

"Fuck!" I yelled in anger and in pain.

"Oh no man She's mad. This is dangerous." I hear Daryl say.

"Jade?"I yelled out.

"They're still knocked out" Jai replied back.

What the fuck. What do they mean 'knocked out'. Slowly my blood started to boil at the thought of them touching jade.

"What happened?" I hear December and Norman ask in concern before I hear heavy footsteps rushing towards me and i also hear footsteps rushing towards somewhere else like to the girls.

I hear Jayden Jai and Daryl give them the details of what had happened earlier. I see a glimps of December crouching down and using his pocket knife to cut me out the ropes.

I tried getting up but my head starts pounding like it's the beginning of a migraine, i hold onto the tree beside me, pulling myself up but as soon as I stood up pain shot up my ankle. I leaned on my left leg not trying to put any pressure on my right leg, assuming it's fractured or sprained.

I take a minute before I limp over to jade, Jane and Norman. Norman's pouring water on jades neck and a little bit on her face, shaking her lightly. Brian walks over and does the same for Jane.

I fell on my knees exhausted trying to help shake jade awake.

After a couple seconds jade finally wakes up. She slowly sits up clutching her head and sides. She looks like she's in excruciating pain.

Slowly Everything in sight started to fade. My vision would be clear for a second but Itd eventually go back to fading.

"Jordan?" I hear jade ask faintly, with concern lacing in her words. I turned to look at her but I turned to fast. Everything was slowly turning black again.

Am I about to faint? I couldn't help but panic for a second. I feel my eyes are open but my view is nothing but darkness... I can't see.


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