The Secretive Bad Girl (Training Day)

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chapter 25

"What do you mean about twenty?" Jai whispered to jade while taking the ropes off his hands that we had used to tie him up with.

Looks like they found their way out.

"Hes one of Evelyn's men." Jayden stated referring to the knocked out body beside me after searching him completely.

How the fuck is that possible? That bitch is dead. there's no way in hell they're getting orders from her. Why else would they be sent here?

"Twenty men. Twenty men are in the house." Daryl said answering Jai's question.

"We need our guns." Jayden whispered to me while crouching and giving the two guns from the body beside me, to Daryl and Jai.

Jane and jade pointed to the kitchen on the counter table where we had placed their weapons before we tied them up

Jayden looked like he was gonna make a run for it but I put my arm out, to quickly stop him, when I heard the floor boards above us creek.

"Raul?" A male voice called out while slowly making a few steps down the stairs.

Then suddenly making a stop.
"Shit.." he muttered before making a certain kind of whistle...

He seen the blood. The messy blood puddle on the floor at the end of the stairs from the guy that I had shot. I had shot his right knee but since it was from a close distance, it went right through also hitting his left leg making both legs snap. The bullet went straight through his right knee. I'm sure he seen the blood trail leading to the side of the stairs.

Fuck! Jayden has no weapons with him besides the throwing knifes he looted and lemme tell u he's not good with them. At all

Fucking dumbass has no aim

I crouched down on one knee and pulled a gun out from my holster that was on my ankle, I threw it at him like it was a frisbee.

"Ass" he muttered just before he almost lost his balance from crouching.

"Really" jade whispered angry as fuck while the footsteps upstairs came rushing to the the side of the hallway after that guy whistled.

I started walking along the wall of the stairs while Daryl, Jai, Jayden Jane and jade followed right behind me.

From the sound of it, it seemed like the people that were upstairs were hesitant to take the stairs down since there was such a long, quiet and motionless pause.

At the corner of my eye I see something move. I turned around to see the guy that I just knocked out was starting to regain consciousness.

Jai seemed to have noticed the movement as well since he turned his head towards that direction. Jai quickly kicked him in the head making his neck snap, killing him instantly making his body fall over with a soft thud.

Suddenly the staircase boards started making creaking noises.

They're coming. It's ether us or them and I'm not letting anything happen to the girls or the guys. I'll rip their fucking throats out.

One by one started coming down the stairs going straight to the blood puddle. five of them came downstairs. They were all wearing black pants and black tops with ski masks on. They all had black military boots on. They seemed to have holsters on their hips, thighs, ankles and on the sides of their chest. It looks like They have throwing knifes on their hips as well. They're fully armed. They came ready for a fight.

While they were analysing the blood Jayden softy tapped me and handed me the throwing knifes he looted.

"Where did Raul go?" Another male asked.

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