Moon Junhui

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As I felt the cold wind brushed upon my skin, a cool breeze welcomed my eyes when I opened it. I wonder what is the real colors they're wearing those surrounding me.

"Hi." A young man greeted. I think he was same age as I am. He's wearing a coffee shirt and a grim color pants and pair it with his shoe.

"Hello. May I help you?" I asked the young man.

"I was just wondering if you could play any instruments and interested in playing them? Our club are now hiring a new member who is interested in instruments and I'm—" I didn't let him finish his words when I cut him off.

"I'd love to try." A small smile curved my lips when I saw how his eyes twinkle from my response.

"Really?" He asked in awe so my head nodded as a response before he held my hand and shake hands with it.

"I'm Junhui but call me Jun for short." He introduced, earning a few chuckles from me.

"Y/n is the name." I said.

"Nice to meet you!"

"The pleasure is mine."


I let the tip of my fingers trailed the the cold keys of the piano as its dust stick on my fingers. It's been a while since I last played a piano and my fingers missed creating a melody by it.

"I'll be back in a moment. I'm just gonna fix something. I won't be long!" Jun closed the door of the club room before I let myself sat on the cold and soft chair before placing my fingers on the keys and started to play it.

I closed my eyes as the black surroundings me starts to have its own color. It started in a color green before it spread all around me as I continues to play the piano.

By playing piano make me see the real colors around me. The one color I saw with my eyes closed become uncountable colors around me. They're many that I can even count them. Their colors are beautiful.

I'm color blind and I can't tell what is what by reciting the colors I'm seeing. The colors that your normal naked eyes could see will be different from what colors that my eyes could see.

It's hard to have this kind of disability and I wish I'm normal. I could see the colors like how you can see them.

When I finished playing the piano, all of the colors that my naked eyes created starts to fade away like an air.

As when I opened my eyes, I become color blind again. Few claps woke me up as I whipped my face to turn around and see who it was.

"Hey.. have you been there for a while?" I asked Jun when I saw him standing by the doorway.

"Maybe ten minutes ago?" He then continued. "You're good at playing piano by the way."

"Well, thanks." A shy smile rose my lips as I felt the heat raise up to my cheeks, leaving a shade of pink on it.

"I love it." I feel flustered. It's my first time hearing compliments from a guy since I haven't experienced that to some random guys who heard me play before and appreciate how I play the piano after they heard it.

I smiled and looked away. "Thanks."

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