Mingyu Pt. 1

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This Mingyu imagine was inspired by one of my favorite scene in MY HUSBAND IS A MAFIA BOSS by yanalovesyouu(Hi My fave Author! Shout out to you! Plz I'm waiting for your next update..) Enjoy!


"Ah so Mr. Kim Mingyu is one of those most popular business man?" I said while reading his profile. Base on my research, Mr. Kim Mingyu is one of those popular business and billionaire man who owns a hundreds of malls, hotels etc.. and for the bonus part... It said here.. Mr. Kim Mingyu is a type of person with a demonic attitude, Rude, snubber, hot-headed man, and such a perfectionist man. But the most annoying part here is there's no pictures of Mr. Kim Mingyu here Everytime I search about him so I don't know what he's looks like.

But! I can imagine what Mr. Kim Mingyu looks like.

Wanna know?

A Chubby man!

Old man likes he's already in 70's!

Has a big tummy!


A stocky man for short a short man!

Hehehehe thank me later!

Huhuhu what will I do? I have an appointment with Mr. Kim Mingyu this upcoming Sunday, I have to present something about the university. The University that I'm entering gives me a punishment after what I did to our professor awhile ago.


"Yes you're right, Jisoo. Drugs can affect our body and brains. It can cost to lose our controls to ourselves and it can kill and lead us to death." Blah blah blah the topic is boring. Why our Health teacher suddenly put our topics into drugs?




Do somehow...

Do somehow...

Do somehow our Prof's plan is to set up a syndicate with a member of a drug dealer?

"Ms. Y/n!" I suddenly flinch a bit when our prof called my name. I face his Direction with my questionable look.


"Do you agree with me?" Prof asks so I suddenly felt my body system got nervous. Is this is it? That prof want us to agree with his plans?! That he want us to be his drug dealers?! No way! He's breaking the dreams of my classmates! I won't let him do what he wanted us to d0!

"I'm sorry prof but I don't agree with your idea." I said confidently and stands up.

He rise his left eyebrow and clear his throat.

"I think you have a specific reason why you don't agree with my idea. Please let us know your opinion." He said so I fix my uniform and starts speaking.

"Because you want us to sell drugs! You want me and my classmates to be a drug dealer! I won't let you do that! Those people inside this Classroom is their parents hope. They want their son's and daughters to graduate and have a wonderful life!" I said that make the whole room silent. See? I'm right.

I scan the whole room until in a blink of an eye they're all laughing.

"Lol! You're so genius Y/n!"

"I love your idea, Y/n! Mwahahahahahaha!"

"Are you fucking serious?!"

"The hell! Mwahahahahahahahaha don't worry Y/n we will not agree to prof's idea."

I'm left confused. Until I bring my attention back to our prof. He's glaring at me like he already wants to kill me. Only if glare can kill. I'm already laying on the floor.

I gulped.





"pfft. That's it?" Aqui asks while laughing her ass out.

I pouted.

"Don't laugh it not funny."

"Yeah. Sorry. Pfft."

After a second someone texted me. I take my phone out of my pocket to check who is it.

Hey y/n! Prof wants to see you at his office ASAP.

"Waaaahhhhhhhhh Aqui! Prof wants to see me! What should I do?!" I asks nervously while whipping the sweat that keeps rolling down from my face.

"Pfft. Just talk to him."

"O-kay..." Huhuhuhu what should I do?!

-Flashback ends-

"Ahhhhhh what's wrong from what I said? I'm just telling my opinion about his idea!" I said while scratching my head. I lay down and starts to close my eyes. Argh! I should be ready!

What if tommorow I'll go to his company? Just to check him? Yeah right! I should do that. Haaaaayyyyyysssttt! I need to sleep.


I'm now walking on the side walk. It's been 2 hours and 20 minutes since I started walking. I'm now heading to Kim corporation company. Like I said. I have to know Mr. Kim Mingyu looks like so into my upcoming meeting with him I know what should I act and do infront of him.

"Yes! I'm already here!" I said while jumping like an idiot infront of a big building.

Should I get inside? Yeah sure.

When I was about to enter the building, 2 guards block my way.

"Please let me in mister. I have to see Mr. Kim Mingyu." I said to the two guards. But they won't allow me.

"I'm sorry miss. But we need your pass so you can enter." The one guard said. Pass? As in my pass in Facebook? Why they want me to give them my password?

"My password in Facebook is ilovemyselp143. Now let me in."

"I'm sorry miss. But, we're asking about your pass not your password in Facebook."

"Huh? What password do you want me to tell you just so you can allow me to enter?"

"I'm sorry miss but, you won't enter the building if you don't have the pass."

"Argh! Fine!" I said and quickly walk away. I went to the stairs of the building and sit there. Those guards are really getting into my nerves! They are crazy!

Haaaayyyst! I just need to wait here outside until Mr. Kim Mingyu arrived.

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