Mingyu Pt. 2

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*stomach growls*

Argh! I'm already hungry. Is there any restaurant near here so I can eat already?

I stands up straight and scanned the entire area but I could not find any nearby restaurants here. Argh! So I'll walk again? Hayst!

I starts walking while head down. I waited until the traffic light turns red so I can easily walk pass the road. Not until, I heard a beep of a car. I looked to my left side and saw a car that will going to crash on me.

my eyes widened and hardened in my place. I couldn't move as if I had become a cold stone. Because of the fear and frustration with the content that would occur to me, I closed my eyes.

I waited and waited to the car that will crash infront of me but, seconds pass. I didn't feel any.

Am I already dead?


No way!

"What the fuck miss! Do you already want to die?!" Someone said.

If I'm already dead, why does the Angel swear?



Is he the angel of death?



Am I a bad person and I need to experience this?


I stayed in my position and stayed on my eyes closed. My body are trembling. And my heart are beating fast right now.

"Miss are you damn alright? You can open your fucking eyes already." He added. Should I open my eyes already?



In a count of three!








He's so handsome!

"Are you my angel? Please don't take me to hell! I don't want there! Just take me to jeju island!" I said while sounded crying.

"Insane. I'm not your angel." He said and letting go of me. I looked at him from head to toe and he's wearing a black shoes with black pants and black tuxedo.

(A/N: He's just look good wearing that!)

(A/N: He's just look good wearing that!)

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