Seventeen PT. 1(2/13)

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"If you got a chance to travel back through times.. which of the times will you go back?" Jannize asked while playing with her pencil. Hmm, great question indeed.

I placed my elbow on the table and held my chin. My eyes landed on the window besides me as it shows the beautiful scenery outside of the classroom.

"'bout you?" I asked back. She went silent for a moment before placing her pencil back on the table and crossed her arms across her chest.

"When I was still younger.. the time I was still with my parents. Before that accident.. I will save them." She replied with a sad face, staring at her phone as it turned on and appeared the ID caller.

"Go on and answer it. I'll wait." I said with a smile before she nodded her head and walked out with her phone with her. I saw her answered it an started to talk with the caller.

A loud sigh scaped my lips before leaning back on my seat.

"If you got a chance to travel back through times.. which of the times will you go back?"

The question repeated in my mind that drowned me deep into my thoughts that I didn't realized the happenings on my surroundings.

Hmm, if I got the chance?

What would I do?

I don't know..

Maybe travel back to my past life?

"Hey, Y/n? Are you still with me?" I'm really curious about my past life. I wanna know how was I looked like back then.. Am I a girl that time or boy?

"Y/n? Are you listening?" Someone flick its fingers in front of my face that made me return back from reality. I looked at the person was and realized it's Jannize.

"What?" I asked. She chuckled.

"I'm asking if we can continue reviewing tomorrow? My brother called me and he needs me. So, see you tomorrow?" I nodded my head before bidding each other goodbyes.

As she left me alone in the classroom, I took my phone out when I felt it vibrates. I took a quick glance of the screen before answering the call.


I'm on my way back to the library room, alone. Jannize is busy with something and she couldn't come with me right now. Her brother needs her and I don't know where she is.

"Good afternoon." I greeted the librarian when I entered in before walking towards the books shelves and look for a book that will catch my attention.

It's my currently free time and I'm going to spend the half of my free time reading a book.

While looking for a book, I suddenly felt a pair of eyes, watching me as I immediately followed my instinct to where those stares came from. When I looked around me, my eyes suddenly met those unfamiliar eyes few meters away from where I'm standing at.

I immediately looked away since I couldn't handle having eye contact with people I didn't even know.

I continued to search for a book until I found something.

It's a book entitled: where everything started by... There's no author written in here. I reached out from the book and scanned it when I'm already holding it.

There's no author.. o wait!

There is!

It says, Iceandfire.. the author of the book used the name: Iceandfire. I wonder what is his or her real name.

There's something on the back of my head telling me to open the book and read what's inside so I did. I opened the book until something fell off of the book.

I immediately searched for it and found a necklace.. a key necklace.

My eyes went back on the first page of the book and read what's on it; are you ready to unfold things? To answer the question that you can't find an answer?

My eyebrows narrowed before flipping to the next page.

There's another text written: You've kindly accepted the offer. Are you ready? There's no turning back.

I chuckled of how silly those questions are before flipping to the next page.

What's your wish?

I read. Hmm, what's my wish?

Then, a small flashback from my conversation with Jannize awhile ago, appeared.

"I wanna know my past life.. I wanna travel back..." I mumbled before flipping the page to the next page.

But I frowned when I saw nothing. It's all empty. Empty page. Blank page. Hey, it's just a book!

"Probably playing around with me, huh?" Shaking my head, I'm about to close the book when something caught my attention.

The key necklace I'm holding suddenly light up before jumping off of my hand. I almost scream but I immediately hold my hand up to my mouth to prevent myself from screaming.

My eyes looked around the room and saw few students were busy reading a book or with their own world. I looked down to find the necklace but the necklace itself was nowhere to be found.

I looked and walked around, try to find the key necklace until it took me to this front door that's further away from the students in the library. This door looks like hiding or a secret door because of how it looks like; few of the bookshelves were blocking the door and few books and tables are blocking the sight from the door.

Something lights up until I realized the key necklace on the cold tiled floor. I reached for it before looking back to the door. I tried to open it but it's locked.

Then, I gazed at the key I'm holding before the doorknob if the brown old door.

There's nothing to worry about it I try to use this right?

Shrugging my shoulders, I use the necklace key to unlock the door. It worked?

I open the door as it create a creepy door sound before revealing an old but elegant room. O, I didn't know that the school has this kind of room?

Out of amusement, I didn't realized that I'm slowly loosing my grip from the I'm holding until it fell off the ground when I walked inside.

My eyes nailed around the room as a small wow scaped my lips.

Then, a small sound of a door being close echoed the room. I looked behind me and saw the door is already closed.

I ran towards it and tried to open it but it didn't badge.

"Hello! Open the door please!" I yelled and knocked on the door a countless times before the key came across my mind.

I looked back on my hands and saw the key. I inserted it to unlock the door. I unlocked it..

I immediately opened the door and to my disappointment.. I didn't expect what I saw..

SEVENTEEN IMAGINES Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz