Dk Pt. 1

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"Shit!" I yelled when I ran out of gas in the middle of the road. I tsk-ed when rains starts flashing everywhere. Bad timing!

I tried to turned my phone on but my phone are out of battery too. All I did was slam my hands on the steering wheel and leaned back while I lets out a deep sighs.

As I was about to close my eyes, I heard someone knocked on my windshield. I opened my eyes and looked besides me. And there, a girl in her 18's, wearing a white dress and soaked from wet.

I open my window and asked her, "What are you doing here?"

"Follow me. It's getting dim." She said and tried to open the door.

"Okay, okay. Wait." I replied and unlocked my car door before hopping out and closed it. When I looked back to her, she immediately dragged me towards of the woods.

"Who are you? Why are you dragging me here?" I asked, worried. The girl is creepy and I'm getting shivers. And come on! We're running in the middle of nowhere while the rains wet us.

"Y/n.." She mumbled, still dragging me.

We reached the place she was trying to drag me and let us enter inside. It was a mansion. The outside looks old but the inside is somehow looks beautiful.

The girl named Y/n went up to get something and comes back with the towel to drain us. She handed me the other towel as I accept it and dry myself.

Minutes has passed, a lady comes in while wearing a maid's uniform. The old one.. like 19's or 18's.

She's looking at me up and down while her eyebrows narrowed. She soon glanced at Y/n who was standing besides me, head down.

"Where did you saw him?" The lady asked. The tone of her voice are somewhat scary and could make you shiver.

"Near the hotel." Y/n replied. Wait.. Hotel? This is the hotel? How come it doesn't look like it was?

"Follow me." The lady said while looking at me. She then turned her back on me and walked away. I glanced at Y/n and she nodded at me while mouthing the word 'Go.'

I nodded my head and followed the lady. As we are walking up the stairs, I asked.

"Is Y/n not going to come with us?" The lady continued to walked as I waited from her response.

"She has few things to do. One of them is to fetch those mortals who stopped by near the hotel." I nodded my head. She's weird when she talks. Is like she's not mortal too. Anyways, the place looks nice.

While roaming my eyes around the hotel, we stopped in front of the brown door. The lady faced me, still wearing her creepy blank face.

"Before I go. I'll just gonna remind you few things that you have to follow while you're here." I slowly nodded my head before she opens the door and waited for me to enter inside.

"Rule 1: Your room will always be the safest room in this hotel.

Rule 2: When leaving the room in the second floor, make sure to close the door behind you. Will do this without exception.

Rule 3: Do not touch this wall painting. The paint never seems to fully dry.

Rule 4: At times, strange suitcase will appear at random places at the hotel. Do not touch the contents inside, it's is always a trap.

Rule 5: Only use the downstairs bathroom before 7PM. After then, the mirror will try to deceived you.

Rule 6: Count every doors in this hotel at the beginning and end each day. If you come across the door do not remember counting, do not enter it.

SEVENTEEN IMAGINES Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz