Chapter 10 - So...

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I was sitting in the cell where I had talked to Carl earlier when Beth came in with the test. She handed it to me without a word, ushered me to the bathroom, and left me.

I got out the test and thought:

Please don't be pregnant.

Please don't be pregnant.

I'm taking the test. I close my eyes. I'm too scared to look at the results.


I opened my eyes.


What to I do?

I hid the test where no one would find it in the bathroom. I had no choice but to tell Beth.

I don't want to carry this baby inside of me. Not Elliot's baby.

"Amelia!" I heard a familiar voice shout.


Did Beth tell him about this...? If she did...

"Hey...," Carl said as he caught up to me.

"I asked my dad if you and I could have the same shift, you know, since it's your first day and are you?" He asked.

"Good. Fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked nervously.

"I'm just asking...," he said.

Later, I told Beth. Her eyes were wide and she looked like she was about to kill someone. But, I knew she wasn't that type of person. You know, the one who kills innocent people.

"We have to get you abortion pills," she said. "I know you and Carl are kind of close...which is one reason why you should take the pills. His mom...Lori...she died giving birth to his baby sister, Judith. If he found out-"

"How is he going to find out?" I snapped.

"I didn't mean it like that."

I looked down.

"I know...I'm's just I...I can't be a mother...I'm 14 for God's sake! I-I..."

A few tears rolled down my face, but I wiped them away.

Why did Elliot have to do this to me?

Oh, right. Because he hated my guts.

Beth and I were outside by the fences again and I saw Carl walk out to talk to his dad by the pig pen. I can't hurt him. And I won't.

Why do I even care so much?

Why does he even care so much?

"When are we getting the pills?" I asked Beth quietly.

"I don't know...but soon. Glenn and Maggie are probably going to go on a run tomorrow for supplies, so maybe they can get them. We'd have to tell them, though. But, they know how to keep a secret," She replied.

"Did-did Elliot ever do that to you..?"

She remained silent and looked down.


I couldn't believe it, yet I could.

"I-I'm sorry...," I said while years flowed down my face.

"I don't wanna talk about it," she snapped.

"I know, I know. I think I understand."

Beth walked back inside, leaving me alone. I wiped away my tears and sat down. I want to go take a walk in the woods, but I don't think I'm allowed to leave.

I don't think I want to.

The woods may provide peace, but they also provide tragedy.

I was wrong. Not one, not two walkers heard that. But five. Five.

Not that it makes any difference. I'm still gonna die.

No amount of walkers could change that.

But, then, I remembered. I can't get infected. So, I put my gun to my temple as the walkers surrounded me.

You're welcome. You got a free meal.

All of a sudden I heard gun shots and the walkers collapsed.


I looked up to see a boy in a sheriff's hat.

Before I knew it, it was dinner time. We had beans and bacon, which I figured was from one of the pigs. I ate it, glad I could get some real food for a change.

It was so good. Juicy, greasy, everything I could hope for.

Carl sat down next to me. I took a few glances at him while he ate.

I know what you're thinking...I'm not a creep, okay?

It's just his hair. It was so fluffy I just wanted to...

Carl looked up when I touched it.

Dang it.

" had something in your hair...," I said. Nice.

"Oh...thanks," he said as he smiled and laughed a little bit.

His laugh is so...

Stop it! You've only just really met him, you still don't know much about this guy.

"So...," he said.

And so I replied.

Author's Note:

@thewalking_dead12345 thank you for all of the support on my FanFiction! However, I could not see your comment (if you deleted it that is totally fine!) It really really does help me continue on with this FanFiction knowing someone actually supports this FanFiction!

Next, sorry I haven't been updating. I've just finished the 5th wave by Rick Yancey and absolutely loved it and right now I am reading fangirl by Rainbow Rowell! For the month of February, I am determined to read a total of 4 books:

•Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
•The Giver by Lois Lowry
•The Elite by Kierra Cass
•The One by Kierra Cass



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