Chapter 8 - Carl

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"Amelia!" The boy yelled.

I collapsed and fell on the warm ground on this beautiful summer day.

What did I just say?!

Amelia, calm down you're not gonna like die or anything. It's just your leg. But, there's a chance you could bleed to death...


I am not going to bleed to death. There was a group here of about 10 people. They can help.

Beth came over and kneeled down softly by me and wrapped my leg, as she did with my arm the day I got bit.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm positive the bullet just went through her leg, but maybe Dad can check to be sure," she said to the boy's assumed father.

I could see the blue-eyed boy crying a little bit, looking down at me. His dad must've heard and walked over trying to comfort him.

"Carl..." His father started.

Carl. Carl. Carl.

The name of the boy who saved me. The name of the boy who I will never forget. The name of the blue-eyed boy. The name of the boy in the sheriff's hat.

It took me a while to realize that Elliot had ran. He escaped. No doubt he'd come back, though. Or would he? He'd wanted to be rid of me for so long, so maybe this was an opportunity and he took it.

I looked at Beth. She looks the same, except for a new change of clothes. She is wearing a yellow shirt, which has multiple stains from blood. She is wearing different jeans, also stained with blood.

Her blue eyes were the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

I woke up in a prison cell. When I looked over to my right, Carl was sitting on the floor by the wall. My hands were hand-cuffed to the pole of the bottom bunk, in which led to the top bunk. For a few minutes, I just lay there. Looking at Carl.

When he realized I was awake, he got up from his spot almost immediately and say on my bed. He studied my face, and I studied his. Then Carl finally spoke up.

"Why didn't you tell us you were bit?"

"How-how'd you find out?" I stuttered.

"Hershel wanted to make sure-"

"Hershel? As in Beth's dad?"

"Yes. He wanted to make sure there weren't anymore injuries. When did you get that?" He asked softly. It wasn't hard to tell he was crying.

God why does he care about me so much?

"Look. I know this is gonna sound crazy, but 4 years ago. I haven't had a fever or anything yet. I don't know...I guess I'm just safe from the disease or something?"

Carl was silent for a while. It was obvious he didn't know how to respond, so I tried to change the subject to something that's been on my mind since I met him.

"I haven't had a chance to thank know...for saving me that day...," I said.


I couldn't take it anymore. Elliot treats me like freaking crap. God, not even a blade could take away how I feel right now.

Why don't I just DIE?

You know what. Yes. I will. The world's absolute shit already and there is NO hope, I repeat, NO HOPE of a cure for this gruesome infection.

I stormed out of the house Elliot and I have been staying in and went into the woods.

"You actually think I'd just let someone die like that? I've seen enough people die already...," Carl said pulling me back into reality.

He unlocked my hand-cuffs and put them on the table by where he was sitting when I woke up. He sat back down on my bed and we were silent until we heard footsteps.

The man who was assumed to be Carl's dad came in the cell.

"Um...Amelia this is Rick, my dad," Carl said.

I knew it!

"I'm just going to ask you three questions," Rick started. "How many walkers have you killed?"

I could see Carl smiling.

"I lost count," I said suddenly feeling nervous. What was this about?

"How many people have you killed?" Rick asked secondly.

My mom. My dad.



The question I feared the most.

"My mom died giving birth to me and I left my dad because he was getting attacked. When this all started."

Carl looked at me sadly. You could tell he had a personal experience with this.

You know, people dying as he stated before.

Rick looked back and forth between Carl and me. After what felt like forever, he sighed.

"I guess you can stay here with our group then."

And in that moment, I knew Carl didn't tell him I was infected.

Author's note:

Happy birthday to my friend Caroline! Love ya! But, anyway thank you to everyone who reads my FanFiction. Like seriously y'all are the Extra long chapter today! Comment what you thought of it okay? Okay. CRIES BC TFIOS


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