Chapter 12 - Safe Place

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We didn't get to Terminus right away, of course. But, we did find a house to stay in. It was beautiful and there were flowers everywhere. Maybe I was wrong after all.

Maybe there is some beauty left in this world.

Mika loved it. She was all giggly and smiley. She even asked if we could just stay here instead of going to Terminus to find the others.

I thought that was a bit selfish, but I couldn't blame her. This house provided protection. Real protection. It almost felt like home.

Lizzie and Mika went outside to play tag and I was left on girl duty to watch them and take care of Judith.

I fed Judith her bottle and played with her a bit until she got bored. She had this look in her eyes as if she knew what was happening and she just wanted Rick and Carl.

I sighed thinking about Carl. I missed him more than I thought I would. I think I even developed feelings for him, but I push the thoughts away. No need for a tragic romance in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

Eventually, the girls got tired and went inside to get some rest and eat. Tyreese and Carol were putting together a puzzle on a little table by the window.

"It's not gonna work, Tyreese...we have to get back to the others," I heard Carol whisper.

Tyreese wanted to stay here too. It would make sense. One big happy family. Tyreese, Carol, Lizzie, Mika, Judith, and I.

One big happy family.

The next day was awful.

I didn't know what to think.

I went outside because I had to watch Lizzie and Mika. I had to take a bathroom break and I trusted Lizzie with Judith. Lizzie took care of her before. I think.

When I came back out, Mika was laying on the grass with blood oozing from her stomach. I felt sick. And sad.

I gasped for air and tried to calm myself down until I looked up and saw Lizzie holding the bloody knife.

"Carol!" I yelled. And I kept yelling. It took me a while to notice that Judith was right behind Lizzie and I started screaming louder.

Finally, Carol came out. She froze once she realized why I was yelling.

"It's okay. She'll come back. I didn't hurt her brain," Lizzie said.

I lost it. I got up and slapped Lizzie across the face. Hard.

Wrong choice.

Lizzie stabbed me in the thigh. "You're crazy!" I screamed.

Carol slowly tried to approach Lizzie, but Lizzie had a panic attack and thought Carol was going to hurt Mika's brain.

Eventually, Carol got Lizzie to give up the knife and she said they can pick some flowers for her when she wakes up.

Tyreese ran out and helped me inside. He treated my wound and said I should rest up. But before I rest up, I should tell him what happened.

Typical Tyreese. Typical, curious Tyreese.

I started to tell him when there was a loud bang!

Lizzie was dead. Mika was dead. Judith is safe, in my arms.

Maybe this wasn't much of a sanctuary at all.

Author's Note:

I'm really bad at author's notes.



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