Chapter 21 - Bad Vibes

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I woke up. Or at least I think I did. I'm numb, that's for sure. The bright lights nearly blinded me. I ran my fingers through the soft sheets of a bed. I turned my head to the left and saw a sink that had medicine on the porcelain edges and a few chairs. I don't think this is heaven. It doesn't have the right vibe.

I sat up slowly and, for a second, lost myself in the rhythm of the buzzing. I took the IV cord out of my forearm and put my feet on the cold tile floor. It wasn't actually as much of a challenge to stand up as I thought it would be.

I heard something fall outside the door. I found a tray of medical supplies and grabbed scissors to arm myself. I know this isn't something I should be worried about, but in this world trust doesn't exist anymore.

Footsteps were getting nearer and nearer. I heard tools being picked up and put onto something I immediately assumed was a tray also.

There was a voice coming closer to whoever was picking up the tools. She must've been head of the place since she spoke like someone who wouldn't take no for an answer.

"They just fell...I-I was just pickin' them up...," a familiar voice said.

I don't know when things started getting so easy for me to find people. Because I found Beth faster than I should've.

"Okay...just don't let it happen again. These are very important to the greater good. And they are very limited. These are what saved your friend in there. You're welcome, by the way," the other woman said.

The woman didn't wait for a response. I could hear her walk away and Beth finishing picking up the tools. Once she was done, she didn't walk away. She just stood there. I could tell by her body blocking the light from underneath the door.

The door knob slowly turned and I didn't go back in my bed. I didn't do anything. I was too shocked to do anything.

The door slowly opened and Beth's face appeared. When she noticed I was up and awake, she quickly came in and quietly shut the door.

We stood there in silence for a moment, me guarding myself with the scissors and Beth standing there with her eyes wide open. She had a gash on her cheek which I assumed was recent because it was stitched, showing no signs of healing once so ever.

"What is this place?" I finally asked.

"I don't know...but I don't trust them," she whispered.

I put down the scissors and looked at her.

"What do you mean you don't know? You practically work here. How did you get that?" I asked pointing to her gash.

"The leader,'s not exactly your dream boss...but I'm okay now."

"How can you say that?" I choked out, tears threatening to spill.

She may be okay now, but she's not going to be okay in the future. No one is okay anymore. Once you're not okay, you look back at the past and wonder if you've ever really been okay.

Does okay really exist?

Beth didn't even answer. She didn't stop talking, but she didn't answer why she's so-called okay. She wasn't okay, and she knew it.

"How did you get here?" She asked.

"I-I got kicked out of the group. It's a long story...but your friends basically ran me over with a car and here I am."

"These people are not my friends. In fact, I totally saved your ass. I made sure they didn't see your bite and only focus on your other wounds," she shot back.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Maybe I should go...," she said quietly.

And when she walked out, it felt as if I'd lost my friend all over again.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! It's been a while, but I'm back! Sorry if this was a kind of slow and meaningless chapter, I just needed something to start with in this new setting. Comment what you thought of it and I will get back to you soon!



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